  • 영문 The Hollow Man 할로우맨 영화 대사
    shifts slightly, then falls apart. Sebastian pulls a twinkie from a hostess box, unwraps the cellophane and sucks it down. He attacks the keyboard with renewed vigor. Another molecule appears on the screen. Sebastian s fingers fly across the keyboard. The molecule blinks on and off, it trembles and twists apart. SEBASTIAN Damnit. Sebastian pears out his window. Across the courtyard, a light
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 할로우맨   영문 The Hollow Man 할로우맨 영화 대사
  • 영문 Cell 셀 영화 대사
    shifts programs, the unusual brain image changing colors. THROUGH A LARGE WINDOW, we see into an ADJOINING ROOM within which a HUMAN FIGURE hangs suspended in mid-air by a series of cables designed to simulate flotation. AT THE CONSOLE, Miriam uses a pen to hit specific areas of the touch-sensitive screen, changing the complex CHEMICAL SYMBOLS displayed there. IN THE PROCEDURE ROOM, a series of
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문   영문 Cell 셀 영화 대사
  • 영문 아바타 AVATAR영화 대사
    shift -- HIS POVseeing the bar through gaps in the crowd. A MAN on a barstool SLAPS the WOMAN he몶s with. Hard. She cowers but he몶s got her armshoutingraising his fist. An eternal tableau. People look away. CU JAKE -- not looking away. JAKE (V.O.) You want a fair dealyou몶re on the wrong planet. The strong prey on the weak. TIGHT ON JAKE몶S HAND as he starts pushing the wheel of his chair. T
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  • 영문학사정리입니다.
    1. 로마의 지배 ① 켈트족 <-- 로마인 BC 55C ② AD 43 ~ AD 426(로마군단 철수) ③ Claudius 영국지배 ④ 변화 : 라틴어 유입, 건축술 2. 게르만 민족 --> 지배 ① Jutes ② Saxons ③ Angles 3. 기독교의 전래 ① AD 597 : 기독교(명랑, 낙천적) St. Augustine ② 문학에 있어서 폭(소재)이 넓어짐. 4. Beowulf(
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  • The Universe and Dr Einstein
    The Universe and Dr.Einstein Content 1. Preface(머리말) 2.1. Birth and Death Albert Einstein 2.2. The electromagnetic spectrum reveals the narrow range of radiation visible to mans eye 2.3. The photoelectric effect was interpreted by Einstein 2.4. The Einstein of Quantum Theory 2.5. Did you know... Brownian Motion 2.6. Theoretical for Special Relativity 2.6.1. Theoretical Basis for Special
    2016-11-10 | 1,400원 | 11p | The Universe and Dr Einstein
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