  • 영문 HOTZONE 핫존 영화 대사
    AERIAL POV - LANDSCAPE - LIVING ORGANISM Rivers, teeming with microscopic life thread like spaghetti through a geography of living cells. Invaders. Territory is overrun. The view is like an aerial recon photo of an alien land -- at war. SUPER: CATEGORY - FILOVIRUS STRAIN - EBOLA ZAIRE (Z) FATALITY - 88% KILL RATIO SURVIVORS - 12% IMMUNE ANTIBODY CURE NONE - NONE MATCH DISSOLVE TO: EXT. AERIAL POV
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 핫존   영문 HOTZONE 핫존 영화 대사
  • 영문 STEEL SHARKS 특전대 네이비씰 영화 대사
    paintball blasts on their chests. A PAIR OF MEDICS in white push the Team members aside and check out Tucker. Mack, Salazaar, Kaplan, and Cord wait at one end of the hallway while Zamborski talks to a DOCTOR. Zamborski comes back to the Team. ZAMBORSKI Appendicitis. Theyre taking him to the hospital. EXT. PENTAGON -- DAY Aerial shot of the Pentagon. A title is supered: "The Pentagon. May 29, 3:4
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 특전대 네이비씰   영문 STEEL SHARKS 특전대 네이비씰 영화 대사
  • 영문 DAYS 일영 화대사
    PHOTO INTERPRETERS swoop in, whisk away the contents: SPOOLS OF FILM. SMASH CUT TO: EXT. ODONNELL RESIDENCE - DAY A black Lincoln pulls away from the modest white house on a tidy Washington D.C. residential street. EXT. WASHINGTON D.C., AERIAL - DAY The car threads its way through the Washington traffic, past the big administrative buildings, down tree-lined avenues, takes a turn into a gate. As
    2015-05-29 | 4,000원 | 100p | 영문DAYS일영화대사 영문 일영화   영문 DAYS 일영 화대사
  • 영문 ARCTICBLUE 아틱 블루 영화 대사
    photo lens in her hand, holding her breath in anticipation. Shes twenty-three, pretty, with soft features and piercing blue eyes. She wears Eddie Bauer womans gear like she was born in it. ?? ?? Eric expertly fixes his aim and slowly squeezes the trigger. But instead of a loud retort, there is only the dull POP of a CO2-powered dart gun. ?? ?? NEW ANGLE ?? ?? The tranquilizer dart finds its mark
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 블루 영문   영문 ARCTICBLUE 아틱 블루 영화 대사
  • 신념 그리고 신앙 Life is Calling
    Photo(2008) National Highway 17 passing through Nantoor Cross in the city. 03/44 Mangalore Photo(2008) The Jyothi Talkies is a popular cinema theatre in Mangalore. 04/44 Life Is Calling 2. 주요 내용 05/44 주요 인물 06/44 필자 현재, 31살.(2006년 현재) 1991년, Kodialguttu에서 살았으며, 16살 때 Mangalore를 떠남 리포터로서 인도 여행을 하고 있음(고향을 15
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