  • 소셜커머스의 유형 및 현재와 미래(영문)
    Introduction Body 1. Social commerce – Definition and History 2. Classification of Social commerce Social link type Social web type Joint/Group purchasing type Offline linkage type 3. Social commerce – Present and Future Conclusion Q&A Wikipedia - A type of the electronic commerce that using the social media and the online media NIPA(National IT Industry Promotion
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  • 자연신학(Natural Theology)
    1. Definition of Natural Theology The existence and attributes of the deity -> stand on ‘natural reason’ A type of theological discourse The attempt to construct rational “proofs” for God’s existence and attributes
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  • 무권리자에 의한 출원
    chapter 16. Application by an United Person (무권리자에 의한 출원) Ⅰ. THE PROBLEM 16.01 실체법하에서, 특허권은 발명자 또는 그 권리의 승계인에게 속한다. 16.02 EPO에 우선하여, 소송행위에 있어 출원인은 -반증의 추정에 의해- 유럽특허를 실행할 자격이 있는 것으로 간주된다. 특허부여를 위한 소송행위에 있어 자
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  • 영문 HUDSON HAWK 허드슨 호크 영화 대사
    HUDSON HAWK Screenplay by Steven E. de Souza Revisions by Dan Waters Based on an original idea by Bruce Willis & Robert Kraft A Silver Pictures/Flying Heart Films June 14, 1990 Production NOTE: THE HARD COPY OF THIS SCRIPT CONTAINED SCENE NUMBERS AND SOME "SCENE OMITTED" SLUGS. THEY HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR THIS SOFT COPY. FADE IN: EXT. VINCI COUNTRYSIDE - RENAISSANCE - DAY Beneath a jawdroppingly s
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  • 영문 SUPERMAN3 슈퍼맨 3 영화 대사
    PAN DOWN TO A ROW OF 몷TELLERS몶 CAGES몸 with long lines of PEOPLE waiting to collect their unemployment checks. A sign above the first window says 몷A - F몸, the second window is designated 몷G - L몸 and so on. CLOSE ON THE SECOND WINDOW -- Waiting his turn at the head of the line is a BLACK MAN in his early 30몶s. He kills time by trying to make a beat-up old wooden yo-yo perform the ba
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