발행기관 : 대한소화기학회 AND 간행물명 : Gut and Liver1352 개 논문이 검색 되었습니다.
Case Report : Thymosin Alpha-1 in Combination with Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients Who have Failed to Prior Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin Treatment
( Yang Hyun Baek ) , ( Sung Wook Lee ) , ( Hyun Seung Yoo ) , ( Hyun Ah Yoon ) , ( Ja Won Kim ) , ( Young Hoon Kim ) , ( Ha Youn Kim ) , ( Sang Young Han )  대한소화기학회, Gut and Liver [2007] 제1권 제1호, 87~89페이지(총3페이지)
TAG Chronic hepatitis C, Nonrespondents, Peginterferon alpha-2a, Ribavirin, Thymosin alpha 1 Introduction
Case Report : Endoscopic Ultrasonography-guided Fine Needle Aspiration for Computed Tomography-negative and Positron Emission Tomography-positive Mediastinal Lymph Node in a Patient with Recurrent Lung Cancer
( Han Soo Kim ) , ( Su Jin Chung ) , ( Sang Gyun Kim ) , ( Joo Sung Kim ) , ( Hyun Chae Jung ) , ( In Sung Song )  대한소화기학회, Gut and Liver [2007] 제1권 제1호, 90~92페이지(총3페이지)
TAG Endoscopic ultrasonography, Fine needle aspiration, Lymph node, Metastasis, Lung cancer
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