[경영전략] 야후 Poter’s 5 Forces

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※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
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[경영전략] 야후 Poter’s 5 Forces에 대한 자료입니다.
1.Strategic Issue
3.Poter’s 5 Forces
7.Strategy Implementation
- Strong brand recognition
- Sophisticate media contents
- Display advertisement

- Decrease of AD share in the market
- Weak search engine and poor at connecting between its search algorithm and advertising network

- Acquiring AC, a social media company
- Alliance with Nokia in the Mobile market(Smart phone)
- Alliance with MS in the search and AD market
- Open Platform market

- Strong competitors
- Consumer attitudes towards online-ad become more negative.
Consumers demand more sophisticated services
Facebook became the single largest display ad site in US

Now, Google get 5% of net income from operating
Open Platfrom business

Let’s assume if Yahoo! also get the same portion of net income from Open Platfrom business

We estimate that
65.2(Google’s in 2009) * 5% = $ 3.26 million

Yahoo 5yr Avg Income 8.60 + 3.26 =$11.86 m

Corporation Value = 11.86 / 0.115 = $103.13 m

오늘 본 자료
  • 오늘 본 자료가 없습니다.
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