[재무행정] IMF 구제융자와 역효과(영문)

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[재무행정] IMF 구제융자와 역효과(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 IMF
Chapter 3 Case Analysis
Chapter 4 Adverse of IMF
Chapter 5 Conclusion
Korea joined IMF in 1995. 8. 16 as a 58th member.

Korea had been funded 8 times by IMF until 1988.

From 1988 to 1997, Korea had experienced steady economic growth.

However, in the early 1997, enterprises such as steel and auto industry went bankrupt in succession.

The bankrupt of enterprises + crash of stock price

weakened financial system of Korea.

- We had to agree with disposal of insolvent enterprises and banks according to the demand of IMF.
- As a result, we lose the financial independence and a large portion of profit went to foreign capital and foreign investor.
- It means that no matter how the people may work and earn money, economic outcomes was not the part of the people.
- Eventually, most of Koreans has suffered unstable life except some people.

The Mexican government applied to the IMF bailout that
to resolve short-term liquidity fund shortage

IMF's international financial
support for a total of 52.7 billion U.S. dollars was conducted.
And economic restructuring measures demanded.

February 1995 was promoting measures to normalize financial.
for example Expansion of the bank's capital and Resolving insolvent obligation.

In March the same year.
As second economic stabilization measures announced before the economy began to stabilize.

Going through the recovery in 1996.
Was almost overcome the financial crisis in 1997.

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