스타벅스 마케팅 전략(영문)

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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
스타벅스 마케팅 전략(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Executive Summary
2. Company Description
3. Strategic Focus and Plan
-Core competency
4. Situation Analysis
-SWOT Analysis
5. Market Product Focus
-Starbucks marketing strategy
-Marketing objectives
-Points of differences
-Target market
6. Marketing Strategy
-Product strategy
-Price strategy
-Promotion strategy
-Place strategy
7. Conclusion
8. Works Cited
Executive Summary

Starbucks, amongst several multi-national coffee-chains, has a very strong competitive advantage against other competitiors. This report addresses how Starbucks has built its brand image and how it sustains its competitive advantage as it reaches over 40,000 stores worldwide. Started from a small coffee bean roasting shop in Washington, it now successfully has become a multinational organization by focusing on three main elements: unparalleled lists of goods, an unbeatable customer service, and a dedicated effort of continuous quality improvement. Being unable to further grow past 6 franchises in the 1970’s, Starbucks was bought by Howard Schultz and has been booming ever since.
It has reached this point by following 4 main ideals: the “everything matters” approach, the “five ways of being” approach, the upside-down pyramid and the idea of stressing total quality management. Starbucks viewed it necessary to treat its external customers to its optimum by offering a wide variety of products and services which are helpful in improving the organization in as many ways possible. In addition, Starbucks has never stopped brining improvements; by closely paying attention to economic trends analysis and trying to figure out what is their weakness out of the customer’s complaints, Starbucks was able to improve itself and keep possessing its competitive advantage, in addition to sustain customer loyalty.
조셉 미첼리; 스타벅스 사람들; 서울; 명진출판; 2007

김영한,임희정; 스타벅스 감성 마케팅; 서울; 넥서스Books; 2003

하워드 슐츠, 조앤 고든; 온워드; 파주; 8.0; 2011


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