[경영학] 노루페인트의 그린경영 사례(영문)

 1  [경영학] 노루페인트의 그린경영 사례(영문)-1
 2  [경영학] 노루페인트의 그린경영 사례(영문)-2
 3  [경영학] 노루페인트의 그린경영 사례(영문)-3
 4  [경영학] 노루페인트의 그린경영 사례(영문)-4
 5  [경영학] 노루페인트의 그린경영 사례(영문)-5
 6  [경영학] 노루페인트의 그린경영 사례(영문)-6
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[경영학] 노루페인트의 그린경영 사례(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.

The existing paints are actually harmful to peoples’ bodies. This is because of the components that consists of the paint such as VOCs(Volatile Organic Compounds) which involves benzene. These VOCs are carcinogen, and photochemistry reactive. In addition, Heavy metals in the paints are unresolved materials, which can be piled in human bodies and make serious diseases.
With the growing awareness of the environment-friendly products, customers are reluctant about the use of paints. Sick house syndrome became an issue relating with health problem. Moreover, the rise of well-being life style and also the peoples’ concerns about health have been intensified. Eventually, Transformation to eco-design was started.

NOROO Co. Ltd is the second largest company in paint industry which also possess 2nd highest market share in this sector.
NOROO Co. Ltd is one of the paint and ink industries which produce approximately 10,000 paints that wholly emphasize on environmental friendly products. Providing the trustable quality of products for the customers by automating and computerizing the entire process of raw material testing, import, mixing, blending, processing and packaging, it simultaneously analyze colors and databases to make sure that they are in good quality. Noroo paints’ purpose is to provide the best service while keeping its slogan “Beautiful world, and harmonious values”


< Energy Saver >
서울경제 - ‘노루페인트, 유리코팅으로 태양광 에너지 선택적 차단’
건설경제신문 - ‘노루페인트, 국내 최초 에너지 절감형 코팅제 개발
- ‘ 노루페인트’

< 'Pororo' paint >
파이낸셜뉴스 - ‘친환경 페인트 출시 잇따라.. 정부 기준치보다 더욱 엄격’ http://www.fnnews.com/view?ra=Sent0601m_View&corp=fnnews&arcid=0921982805&cDateYear=2010&cDateMonth=05&cDateDay=12
머니투데이 - ‘노루페인트 무독성 어린이용 페인트 출시’
서울경제 - ‘가정용 '무독성 수성페인트' 선봬’

< Business >
프라임경제 - ‘노루페인트, 기업신용등급 BBB+로 상향’
파이낸셜뉴스 - ‘노루페인트, 기업신용등급 BBB+로 상향조정’

< Table >
1) 'NOROO' - http://www.noroo.co.kr/
2) HANA securities investment company - 'High five'

< Book >
‘친환경 공간디자인 : 생태건축 에코인테리어 그린라이프’
- Yonsei University publishing department
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