  • John Donne Devotions upon Emergent Occasions Together with Death’s duel
    afflicted, super-afflicted with these jealousies and suspicions and apprehensions of sickness, before we can call it a sickness: we are not sure we are ill; one hand asks the other by the pulse, and our eye asks our own urine how we do. O multiplied misery! we die, and cannot enjoy death, because we die in this torment of sickness; we are tormented with sickness, and cannot stay till the torment
    2016-04-16 | 1,000원 | 16p | John Donne Devotions upon Emergent Occasions Together with Death’s duel
  • 영문 The Miracle Worker 미라클 워커 영화 대사
    affliction as... - Helen! My buttons. Eyes. She wants the doll to have eyes. My goodness me. Im not decent. She doesnt know better, Aunt Ev. Ill sew em on again. Its worth a couple of buttons, Kate. Look. This child has more sense than all these men Kellers, if theres ever a way to reach that mind of hers. - Helen! - (baby cries) Helen! Youre not to do such things. How can I make you understand?
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 워커 미라클   영문 The Miracle Worker 미라클 워커 영화 대사
  • 영어 에세이 - The Story of an Hour (Kate Chopin)
    Introduction Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour" is a compelling exploration of the complexities of freedom and self-discovery within the confines of a repressive environment. At the heart of this narrative is Louise Mallard, a woman whose life is significantly constrained by both her physical affliction—an ailing heart—and her emotionally stifling marriage. The news of her husband'
    2023-09-28 | 2,000원 | 4p | 에세이   영어 에세이 - The Story of an Hour (Kate Chopin)
  • 알츠하이머
    Alzheimer’s Clue 알츠하이머의 실마리 준비 과정 본문 번역 전체 검토 후 적절한 표현 수합 문장단위 직역표현 수정 상세 표현 수정 Only last years, Allen Roses, a Duke University neurologist, seemed out in left field in terms of research on Alzheimers disease, the dread brain disorder that afflicts, for example, as many as 4 million Americans. 작년에
    2021-02-26 | 1,000원 | 6p | 알츠하이머   알츠하이머
  • 질병과 사회적 질서- 사회사적 이해
    검색해보면, 우리들은 심각한 사태를 인정할 것이다. <건강불평등, 사회는 어떻게 죽이는가>가 신학을 공부한 사람에 의해 번역되었다는 점은, 그나마 다행이라고 말하자. Richard G. Wilkinson. Unhealthy Societies: The Affliction of Inequlaity (1996). <건강불평등, 사회는 어떻게 죽이는가>. 정연복 옮김. 당대. 2004.
    2016-07-15 | 900원 | 5p | 질병과 사회적 질서- 사회사적 이해
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