  • [상담과 심리치료] 부부치료에 대한 개요 및 부부 및 가족치료에 있어 주요 학자들에 대한 개괄적 소개
    White), 닐 제이콤스(Neil Jacobson), 앤드류 크리스텐센(Andrew Christensen), 존 가트맨(John Gottman)을 비롯하여 앨런 거만(Alan Gurman)과 알프레드 아들러(Alfred Adler)와 나단 애커먼(Nathan Ackerman)과 같은 초기 도입자와 전략적 접근방법을 개발한 제이 헤 일리(Jay Haley)와 밀란 그룹(Milan Group), 가족체계이론과 세대 간 가
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  • [인문사회] 19세기 영.미시
    white, all their bags left behind, 18 They rise upon clouds, and sport in the wind. 19 And the Angel told if he'd be a good boy, 20 He'd have God for his father & never want joy. 21 And so Tom awoke and we rose in the dark 22 And got with our bag & our brushes to work. 23 Though the morning was cold, Tom was happy & warm, 24 So if all do their duty, they need not fea
    2008-03-10 | 2,500원 | 114p | 영국시 미국시 영미시 미영시   [인문사회] 19세기 영.미시
  • 해설사가 직접 쓴 창덕궁 소개 영어 전자책입니다.
    Preface You can be the best palace tour guide for your family, friends, and tourists with this! This book is the culmination of five years of research, field study, and personal experience on the subject of Changdeokgung Palace. While working as a tour guide at the royal palace, I gave many tours for locals and global tourists and met lots of people who were interested in Korean royal palac
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    2) Solvency Ratios Solvency Ratios 2007 2008 2009 2010 Debt Ratio 0.779 0.762 0.745 0.692 Debt to Equity Ratio 3.519 3.194 2.919 2.247 Long Term Debt to Total Capitalization Ratio 0.562 0.402 0.209 0.433 Numger of Time Interest Earned Ratio 3.555 1.089 0.959 2.053 Operating Cash Flow to Interest Expenses 7.053 3.291 3.099 5.129
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    white sky, revealing a single shattered oak in a desolate landscape. Below, a HUMAN SILHOUETTE stumbles through the darkness, the top of his head flat, his arms long and heavy, his boots weighted with mud. Suddenly the storm fades. Light creeps into the scene, and color, as we DISSOLVE TO: THE PACIFIC OCEAN melting into a hazy morning sky. In a box canyon off the coast highway, we see row after n
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