  • 영문 Legal Eagles 리갈 이글 영화 대사
    merchandise. A lovely watch. Do you have a receipt? No. -Clerk, arrest this man. -Objection your honor. Defense is fondling a juror. Sustained. You"re not a thief. Neither is Howard Marchek. Receipts come, and receipts go. He did what any compassionate human would"ve done in a situation like this. He offered a fellow citizen a fair deal. Are we to reward that kindness with a jail term? For all ou
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 68p | 리갈 영문 이글   영문 Legal Eagles 리갈 이글 영화 대사
  • 영문 Lord Of War 로드 오브 워 영화 대사
    sex You have absolutely no idea of what you are doing, but it is exciting and one way or another it is over way too fast Gentlemen! The new Uzi machine pistol. Big fire in small package This little baby uses mm hole points - rounds of simple mags Preferable adjustable size. Size come standart. Excellent recovery action Muzzled jumper is %. % improved noise suppression You could pump a mag in a mi
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 로드 영문 오브   영문 Lord Of War 로드 오브 워 영화 대사
  • 영문 Nobel Son 노벨 선 영화 대사
    sex scandal. Yes, yes. Dr. Carleton Gajdusek and his Micronesian boys. I think he was in another league- sexually, that is. Im so totally serious. An "A" it is. You earned it. I like you like this, Beth. You look naughty. What I wouldnt do to tear the clothes... right off your gorgeous little body right this very second. When I get back from Stockholm. Now, go on. Get out of here. She feels like
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 노벨   영문 Nobel Son 노벨 선 영화 대사
  • 영문 Mannequin 마네킹 영화 대사
    sex! Now, thats the ticket. Nothing beats a great pair of legs. "What can make me feel this way" Popeye look. "I got so much honey "All the bees envy me "I got the sweetest song that I can hear--" Boss! Hi! Great. I was just coming to see you. You know, you could get the dummy of the week award, Switcher. -Yeah, she turned out pretty real. -I wasnt talking about her. What do you think? It only to
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 마네킹   영문 Mannequin 마네킹 영화 대사
  • 영문 Lover Come Back 비긴 더비긴 영화 대사
    merchandising, copy and art theres a meeting. Right away! Miss Templeton wants merchandising, copy and art in her office. On the double! Looks like a rough day. Good morning, Mr. Webster. Good morning. Would you send a tomato juice, black coffee and a masseur? Yes, sir. Mr. Webster wants tomato juice, black coffee and a masseur. Looks like a rough night. Millers Wax is changing agencies. We can g
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 더비   영문 Lover Come Back 비긴 더비긴 영화 대사
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