  • [영문학] 논항구조(Argument Structure) 연구
    Definition A schematic representation which shows a predicate together with its arguments, and their categorical status. Devour (verb) [1, 2] Predicate and arguments Predicate: it is that we will refer to element that require the specification of the participants in the proposition expressed. Argument: it is that a participant (role player) in proposition Ex) The cro
    2012-08-29 | 1,900원 | 23p | that Argument   [영문학] 논항구조(Argument Structure) 연구
  • Chapter 7 - Truth, Knowledge and Belief
    However, the claim that all truth is truth-for-X might also be understood in accordance with the way that John manipulated the phrase in his dispute with Julie about astrology. ① Scorpios tend to be luckier than Libras. ② It is true that Scorpios tend to be luckier than Libras. ③ It is true for Julie that Scorpios tend to be luckier than Libras. ④ Julie believes that Scorpios tend to
    2010-12-28 | 1,400원 | 8p | Chapter Knowledge Truth Belief   Chapter 7 - Truth, Knowledge and Belief
  • [국문] 국어 국문법
    1) 문법적이지만 용인 불가능한 경우(Grammatical but unacceptable) ㄱ. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.   cf) Dark green leaves rustle furiously. ⇒ Chomsky(1957)의 이 유명한 예문은 의미적으로 기이하기는 하지만 통사적으로는 아무런 하자가 없는 문장이다. 이 예문이 기이한 이유는 sleep이라는 동사가 주어에 가하
    2009-08-13 | 3,000원 | 37p | 국어 국문 음운   [국문] 국어 국문법
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