  • 유니클로의 경영분석(영문)
    Summary This report is the review of UNIQLO, a leading casual apparel retailer in the world. UNIQLO is known for its high quality, fashionable clothes and affordable price. This report will discuss the reasons behind UNIQLO’s success, popularity and how it makes use of Information Technologies to compete among its competitors. This report is to examine the organization structure, value chain a
    2016-03-03 | 3,000원 | 60p | 경영분석 경영 분석 영문   유니클로의 경영분석(영문)
  • 유니클로의 경영분석(영문)
    1. Introduction of UNIQLO 1.1 Company Overview Name : FAST RETAILING CO., LTD. Established : May 1, 1963 Head Office : 717-1 Sayama, Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi 754-0894, Japan Tokyo Office : Midtown Tower, Akasaka 9-7-1, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6231, Japan Number of Full-time Employees (Consolidated) : 15,915 (As of February 29, 2012) Paid-in Capital : 10,273 million yen Number of I
    2014-08-22 | 3,000원 | 60p | 경영분석 경영 분석 영문   유니클로의 경영분석(영문)
  • [행정학] 장애인 고용정책 평가(영문)
    1) The actual condition of prior entry discrimination in labor market With the prior entry discrimination in labor market, there are trends that disabled people are recognized as the different people by social structural problem. That's why disabled people are distinguished from the main stream and they are likely to be seen inferior than common people. According to , the attitud
    2011-11-21 | 1,400원 | 14p | 고용정책 장애인 장애 고용 정책   [행정학] 장애인 고용정책 평가(영문)
  • [국제경영] 핀란드 시장조사-경제, 사회, 문화(영문)
    3. Agriculture Finland's climate and soils make growing crops a particular challenge. The country lies between 60° and 70° north latitude - as far north as Alaska - and has severe winters and relatively short growing seasons that are sometimes interrupted by frosts. However, because the Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Drift Current moderate the climate, Finland contains half of the world's
    2011-09-09 | 2,800원 | 37p | 국제경영 시장조사 핀란드 경영 문화   [국제경영] 핀란드 시장조사-경제, 사회, 문화(영문)
  • 장애인 복지론 - 장애인활동보조서비스
    Personal Assistance Service)의 개념 세계 장애연구소의 '활동보조서비스에 관한 재활 연구·훈련 센터'는 활동보조인서비스를 "행복, 용모, 안락, 안전 그리고 지역사회 및 전체 사회와의 상호작용을 유지하는데 목표를 둔 과업을 수행하도록 장애인을 돕는 일에 개인을 종사시키는 것"으로 정의하고 있다.
    2014-09-05 | 2,500원 | 17p | 장애인 장애 서비스 보조 개념 자립생활   장애인 복지론 - 장애인활동보조서비스
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