  • Sense and Sensibility 작품 연구(영문)
    Sense and Sensibility Jane Austen - (16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817) Romantic fiction Landed gentry Realism – biting irony & social commentary Constant support from family Epistolary novel 18th century ~ 19th century Dependence of women on marriage to secure social standing & economic security Austen’s works - Sense and Sensibility 1. Sense and Sensib
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  • [English] The Internationalization of the English Language
    Victorian Arnold around 1890. Arnold undoubtedly represents the second internationalization of the great English language and the English civilization in the Victorian Age. Victoria and her literature made English the international tradition of great culture, and this great tradition of English has been also preserved and strengthened by the prosperity of the Irish literature in the 20th centur
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  • 제인에어1-샬롯 브론테
    1.책 정보 1.1 책 정보 작가 '샬롯 브론테(Charlotte Bronte)'의 대표작 중 하나인 '제인에어1(Jane Eyre)'은 1847년에 처음 출간된 소설입니다. 이 책은 19세기 영국 소설의 대표작 중 하나로 꼽히며, 전 세계적으로 유명한 문학작품 중 하나입니다. 이 책은 빅토리아 시대(Victorian era)의 사회적 지위, 성, 인종, 신앙
    2023-04-17 | 2,000원 | 21p | 정보 책 평론 중 책 샬롯   제인에어1-샬롯 브론테
  • 아내를 위하여(To Please His Wife)-Thomas Hardy(영문)
    the universe Immanent will appear as one’s character, environment, hereditary tendency Human being is not moved by the god, and human being is product of environment, social being Historical Backgrounds The Victorian era(1819-1901) The strongest nation : England ‘an Empire on which the sun never sets’ Democracy+Imperialism Increased trade Increased gap between the rich and poor
    2019-01-15 | 2,000원 | 18p | 영문   아내를 위하여(To Please His Wife)-Thomas Hardy(영문)
  • 영국의 역사
    영국의 역사 Victorian Britain & Nineteenth Century Modern Britain Prehistory Roman Britain Renaissance England The Middle Ages Changes in The Ways of Living Bonus Q 1798 아일랜드인 다시 한번 저항but실패 1801 연합법에 의한 브리튼의 아일랜드 지배 BONUS 브리튼의 아일랜드 식민지화 시작 제임스 왕 1세 반 가톨릭 세력아일랜드 진출 올리
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