  • The Natural Architecture of Antonio Gaudi
    curves, including the movement of water, and incorporated them into his designs. (그는 자연의 각도와 곡선을 연구했는데, 그 연구는 물의 움직임 그리고 그러한 것들을 Gaudi의 디자인에 포함시키는 것이었다.) rely on idiom. ~에 의존하다 (=count, depend on) mimic vt. 흉내를 내다, 모방하다 incorporate A into B idiom. A를 B에 포함시키다,
    2016-04-16 | 800원 | 14p | The Natural Architecture of Antonio Gaudi
  • 영문 HANNIBAL 한니발 영화 대사
    curved knife, hosing the big fish down with a powerful hand- held spray. Young men idling on a corner in front of a bar. Others lounging in parked cars, talking. Some children playing by a burning mattress on the sidewalk; others in the rainbow spray from the fishmongers hose. The building across from the fish market with the metal door above concrete steps. It opens. STARLING Heads up. A large w
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 한니발   영문 HANNIBAL 한니발 영화 대사
  • 영문 PRETTY WOMAN 귀여운 여인 영화 대사
    curved stairway. He has Vance in tow. EDWARD (all business) Prepare the filing papers. Have them ready by the middle of the week. Ill tell you when to submit them. The PEOPLE talking and drinking on the stairway gravitate toward Edward. A MAN Edward! EDWARD (turning on the charm) Yes! THE MAN Will we see you at the polo matches Wednesday? EDWARD Wouldnt miss it. (abruptly; to Vance) I want this
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 여인 영문   영문 PRETTY WOMAN 귀여운 여인 영화 대사
  • 영문 Mulholl and Drive Pilot 영화 대사
    curve. Both men turn to the woman. DRIVER Get out of the car. CUT TO: EXT. FURTHER UP MULHOLLAND DRIVE - NIGHT Two cars - a convertible and a late model sedan are drag racing toward the blind curve blocking the view of the Cadillac limousine. The cars are filled with crazed teenagers. Two girls are standing up through the sunroof of the sedan screaming as their hair is whipped straight back. The
    2015-05-29 | 4,000원 | 100p | 영문MulhollandDrivePilot영화대사 영문   영문 Mulholl and Drive Pilot 영화 대사
  • 영문 DAYS 일영 화대사
    curving across the runway for another waiting plane. SMASH CUT TO: INT. ODONNELL KITCHEN - DAY A kitchen out of the late 1950s. Kenny drinks coffee, ties a tie, rifles through a briefcase at the kitchen table. The horde of kids, ages 2-14, breakfast on an array of period food. Kenny grills the kids while he goes over papers. KENNY Secretary of Defense... KEVIN Dean Rusk! KENNY Wrong, and you get
    2015-05-29 | 4,000원 | 100p | 영문DAYS일영화대사 영문 일영화   영문 DAYS 일영 화대사
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