  • [교육사] 로마 제국의 교육(영문)
    substantial change * Augustine School of the primus magister Flogging he received Dislike of Greek literature Real love of study grammar school in Madaura Latin literature from new teachers, the “grammarians Virgil’s Eneid forensic rhetoric at Carthage Studied forensic rhetoric at Carthage (for 3 years) always took first place vicious conduct
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  • 영문 COPYCAT 카피캣 영화 대사
    COPYCAT Third draft by Frank Pierson Participating writers: Ann Biderman Jay Presson Allen INT. LECTURE HALL BERKELEY - DAY The hall is full. On the stage, DR. HELEN HUDSON is speaking. HELEN is a forensic psychologist. Behind her is a projected diagram: PREDISPOSITION, DISSOCIATION, TRAUMA, FANTASY, VIOLENT FANTASY, FACILITATORS, MURDER, and TRAUMA-REINFORCEMENT which she can point to with a las
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  • 전문가 증언 프라이 테스트
    전문가증언 : 프라이 테스트 아직 일반인에게 잘 알려져 있지 많은 새로운 과학기술(a novel scientific technique)이 과학적 증거로 법원에 최초로 제출될 때가 있다. 우리나라에서 최근에 시도되고 있는 DNA감정이 그 좋은 예에 속한다. 이런 경우에 그 새로운 기술의 유효성은 통상 전문가증언(export testimony)속
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  • 영문 Magnolia 매그놀리아 영화 대사
    Forensic Science... by Dr. John Harper, president of the association... began with a simple suicide attempt. Seventeen-year-old Sydney Barringer... in the city of Los Angeles on March . The coroner ruled that the unsuccessful suicide... had suddenly become a successful homicide. To explain... the suicide was confirmed by a note... in the right hip pocket of Sydney Barringer. At the same time youn
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  • 영문 BODY OF EVIDENCE 육체의 증거 영화 대사
    FORENSIC and MEDICAL TEAMS. Anything Cardenas feels about the gruesome sight before him is hidden behind a mask of indifference. Standing by the bed is ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY, ROGER TROXELL, a short, baby-faced man. Cardenas looks down at the body, then over at the MEDICAL EXAMINER, DR. HENRY McCURDY, a portly man with windblown cheeks and bloodshot eyes. CARDENAS How long? ?? 3 MCCURDY Abou
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