  • 삼성 SDI 재무분석(영문)
    Ⅱ. Analysis & Valuation process Cost of Equity The cost of equity is a key ingredient of every discounted cash flow model. It is difficult to estimate because it is an implicit cost and can vary widely across different investors in the same company. ① Risk Free Rate There can be no default risk, which generally implies that the security has to be issued by a government. Note, though,
    2011-03-09 | 1,800원 | 17p | 재무분석 SDI 삼성 영문 재무   삼성 SDI 재무분석(영문)
  • 전자회사 재무회계(영문)
    of how profitable a company is relative to its total assets. ROA gives an idea as to how efficient management is at using its assets to generate earnings. Calculated by dividing a company's annual earnings by its total assets, ROA is displayed as a percentage. Sometimes this is referred to as "return on investment". ROA tells you what earnings were generated from invested capital (assets). ROA f
    2010-08-31 | 1,400원 | 13p | 재무회계 전자회사 전자 회사 재무   전자회사 재무회계(영문)
  • [회계원리] 현대모비스 제무재표분석
    Capital(순운전자본) = Current Assets(유동자산) – Current Liabilities(유동부채) Represents operating liquidity available to a business, organization Considered a part of operating capital EBIT Earnings before interest and taxes EBIT = operating income + Non-operating income Operating income = Revenue – Operating expenses operating expenses = Cost of Go
    2013-03-06 | 2,500원 | 41p | 회계원리 현대모비스 현대모비스 제무재표분석   [회계원리] 현대모비스 제무재표분석
  • [관리회계] 스타벅스와 커피빈 재무분석(영문)
    2) Solvency Ratios Solvency Ratios 2007 2008 2009 2010 Debt Ratio 0.779 0.762 0.745 0.692 Debt to Equity Ratio 3.519 3.194 2.919 2.247 Long Term Debt to Total Capitalization Ratio 0.562 0.402 0.209 0.433 Numger of Time Interest Earned Ratio 3.555 1.089 0.959 2.053 Operating Cash Flow to Interest Expenses 7.053 3.291 3.099 5.129
    2012-02-11 | 2,100원 | 25p | 관리회계 재무분석 커피빈 스타벅스 분석   [관리회계] 스타벅스와 커피빈 재무분석(영문)
  • [재무관리] Valuation and Financial Modeling(영문)
    remain a fixed percentage of sales, then its unlevered net income will also grow at rate g. Similarly, the firm’s receivables, payables, and other elements of net working capital will grow at rate g. The estimate of Ideko’s continuation value can be combined with the forecasts for free x cash flow through 2010 to estimate Ideko’s value today using the APV valuation model.
    2011-03-01 | 3,100원 | 64p | 재무관리 Valuation Modeling Financial   [재무관리] Valuation and Financial Modeling(영문)
  • 서식
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