  • [국제경영] 지속가능한 환경(영문)
    2. The Necessity of sustainability The recent research show that it demands some expenses in the first stage. But when they pass through some point, it will bring the achievements of corporation. First, the sustainability is a flow in this period that can not be ignored and the essential factor to compete in this field. The playstaion in Sony lost more than 200 million dollars when the Cadmium,
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    rolling): 링압연은 두꺼운 링의 직경을 늘리면서 단면적을 감소시키는 공정이다. 링소재는 두 개 중 하나가 구동되는 롤 사이에 놓여지며(그림 1), 롤을 회전시키며 롤간의 거리를 좁힘에 따라 링의 두께가 얇아지게 된다. 소재의 체적은 변형을 받는 동안 일정하므로 링의 두께가 얇아지는 것은 링의 직
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    BEAR Takes off his hat, puts on a baseball cap and sunglasses... BILLY Get ready to duck. Ganz dives for the floor. Three police cars go by, sirens blaring, lights flashing. They pass the road gang. Ganz reappear, smiles... GANZ You know something? Im having a real good time. HIGHWAY The station wagon blasts down the pavement... Becomes a small dot on the landscape. TRANSITION. A DOORWAY - NIGHT
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 시간 영문 시간   영문 48 hrs 48시간 영화 대사
  • Lecture Note_Alto_MBA_Financial control_Prof Teemu Malmi
    trollable profit) - Invested capital included, e.g. ROCE - Invested capital + cost of capital included, e.g. EVA EBIT ROCE = Total assets -current liabilities Net Income before tax + Financial Expenses ROCE = Total assets -non-interest bearing debt (av) See: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/roce.asp 12.6.2021 Aalto University Executive Education 12.6.2021 Aalto University Executive Education
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  • 영문 GIRL OF MYDREAMS 영화 대사
    Bear) Okay, BooBoo... Cathy laughs, they kiss again. Young and in love. CRACK! The blanket snaps in the breeze and floats down to the earth, exposing Cathy, guiding it. Cathy takes paper plates and food from the basket. JOHN Looks delicious. CATHY You dont even know what I brought. JOHN I wasnt talking about the food. Cathy laughs, grabs him, another passionate kiss. 2. LATER: Two glasses of cham
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