[영문법] 명사(Noun)

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 4  [영문법] 명사(Noun)-4
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 12  [영문법] 명사(Noun)-12
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[영문법] 명사(Noun)에 대한 자료입니다.
Ⅰ. 명사에 대한 개관

Ⅱ. 가산명사/ 불가산명사 구분
(1) 절대 불가산 명사
(2) 절대 가산 명사

Ⅲ. Nouns which can be either countable or uncountable

Ⅳ. 수를 오해하기 쉬운 명사들
(1) “s"로 끝나지만 단수인 단어
(2) 단/복수 동형인 단어
(3) 단수로 취급되는 특별한 경우

Ⅴ. 집합명사의 수 문제
(1) COLLECTIVE NOUNS + singular or plural verb (미어는 단수동사를 선호)
(2) COLLECTIVE NOUNS + plural verb

*** 명사 Exercise
*** 명사 Exercise 해설
4. 집합명사의 수 문제

핵심예제 4

Laser (A)equipments can be (B)used to remove bad (C)tissue (D)from the (E)body.

다음 중 문법상 옳은 문장은? [행외 99]
(A) We stock a full range of general hardware.
(B) A little meat will not do you a harm.
(C) The patients have also to pay for medication.
(D) I don't agree some of the things she said.
(E) He came to see me after and apologized.
해설> (A) hardware는 집합적 물질명사. (B) do someone harm. (C) have to는 덩어리 → also have to. (D) agree는 자동사이므로 전치사(to)를 필요로 함. (E) after는 전치사나 접속사로 쓰이고, ‘나중에’를 뜻하는 부사인 later나 afterwards.

(1) COLLECTIVE NOUNS + singular or plural verb (미어는 단수동사를 선호)
audience, class, club, committee, company, congregation, council, crew, crowd, family, gang, government, group, jury, mob, staff, team, union
i) The present government, which hasn't been in power long, is trying to control inflation. It isn't having much success.
ii) The government, who are looking for a quick victory, are calling for a general election soon. They expect to be re-elected. A lot of people are giving them their support.
iii) Governments in all countries are trying to control inflation.

(2) COLLECTIVE NOUNS + plural verb
the police, people, cattle
i) The police are questioning a man.
ii) Some cattle have got out into the road.

(A)There are (B)roughly (C)six billion (D)peoples (E)in the world.

ꏊ (A)The military (B)has surrounded the building. (C)The crowd there (D)consist (E)of twelve women and fourteen men.

ꏊ Choose the one sentence which is correct. [변시 01]
(A) The fair attracted by hundreds of people from the neighbor towns.
(B) She visits her parents on alternate weekend.
(C) Their clothing was spreaded across low bushes.
(D) That child is a torment to its parents.
(E) This is not so much your fault as Tom.
하고 싶은 말

기출문제의 내용에 기반해서 명사의 핵심 만큼은 확실히 이해할 수 있도록 내용을 작성하였습니다. 본 글을 통해서 명사와 관련된 다양한 문제에 원활하게 대처할 수 있을 것입니다. 명사의 <핵심예제>와 연관된 문제들도 <유제>, <확인>의 형태로 같은 면에 들어가 있습니다. 본 글의 마지막에 제시된 연습문제(Exercise)는 쓸만한 문제들만을 여러 책에서 골라낸 것입니다.