[마케팅정보시스템] Simmons(시몬]사의 기업분석

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[마케팅정보시스템] Simmons(시몬]사의 기업분석에 대한 자료입니다.
n Figure 5 we can compare household income composition for the two access methods and see that for high-
peed access the highest income bracket ($75,000+) makes up 53.6% of the users while for the low-speed
ategory this income group composes only 37.1% of users. As household income declines the figure reveals that
ower income groups comprise higher and higher
Figure 5: Household Income
Businessweek, “Behind the high-speed slowdown”, BusinessweekOnline, September, 2002.
Ono, Hiroshi and Madeline Zavodny, “Race, Internet usage, and e-commerce.” Working Paper Series,
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 2002.
Nielsen/NetRatings, January, 2004 Bandwidth Report, 2004.
Pew, “The Broadband Difference: How online Americans’ behavior changes with high-speed Internet
connections at home.”, Pew Internet and American Life Project, 2003.
United States Census Bureau, “Home computers and Internet use in the United States: August 2000”,
United States Commerce Department, “A nation online: How Americans are expanding their use of
the Internet.”, 2002
The Author: Dr. Max Kilger is a social psychologist by training and is Director of
Statistical Sciences at Simmons, a Division of Experian Research Services.
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