[마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략

 1  [마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략-1
 2  [마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략-2
 3  [마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략-3
 4  [마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략-4
 5  [마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략-5
 6  [마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략-6
 7  [마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략-7
 8  [마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략-8
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 11  [마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략-11
 12  [마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략-12
 13  [마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략-13
 14  [마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략-14
 15  [마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략-15
 16  [마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략-16
 17  [마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략-17
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 19  [마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략-19
 20  [마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략-20
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[마케팅] Mi adidas(마이아디다스) 마케팅 전략에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Mass customization
2. History of “adidas”
3. About mi adidas
A new retail unit had to be created that was smaller, easier to transport, more durable, and user friendly
Marketing preferred small athletics specialty shops
Once selected, the retailers took care of consumer recruitment
(CDs, posters, invitation cards, registration cards and folders)
: dissatisfaction → translated the tool
“Brand experience”
The 3-D foot scanner → Footscan™ unit
Matching matrix software
“Consumer preferences”
Pricing and Product
Customized version of product sold for a 30% to 50% price premium over the catalog price
Product offering was expanded into running shoes (Berlin Marathon in September 2001)
→ For 2002 the plan was for mi adidas for Running to be present at all adidas-sponsored marathons and to go on a retail tour
Celebrate the success and PR effect accomplished to date but quietly withdraw form MC in order to focus on adidas’ core business
Maintain the developed capabilities and selectively run mi adidas fair and planned retail tours following top events such as the Soccer World Cup and world marathon series
Expand mi adidas to multiple product categories and permanent retail installation
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