[광고학]Commercial AD-Hyundai Motors(영문)

 1  [광고학]Commercial AD-Hyundai Motors(영문)-1
 2  [광고학]Commercial AD-Hyundai Motors(영문)-2
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[광고학]Commercial AD-Hyundai Motors(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
-Ad of Hyundai Motors in Korea

-Ad of Hyundai Motors in America

Ad of Hyundai Motors in America
Let’s watch the Ad of Hyundai Motors in America, you will watch the totally different style of Ad, Since is from the same company, all content of this Ad just tell you how responsibility of the production (Hyundai car), the quality must be the best and etc. Buy the way the title of Ad is “Body pass no price” through the slogan we also can understand what the attention of the producer, at last, as the normal format of Ad the slogan is came out “Assembled by 3,300 quality experts.” Also is focus the quality, also they submit the numeral evidence to support their responsibility, and the high quality.

Compare the two Ad, why the Ad from the company, but in different marketing, they product the totally different advertisement? Because between Eastern social and Western social has so much difference on the thought, “emotionalism” is the mainstream thought in East, on the