애플 경쟁력 분석, 5Force 분석(영문)

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애플 경쟁력 분석, 5Force 분석(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
Apple Overview
PC Industry Analysis
Competitive Strength
5 Force Analysis

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, founded apple computer on April Fool’s Day, 1976,– released the apple I (for $666). Apple I had 8 KB of RAM.

Made 200 units
Took on a new partner---A.C. “mike”, who was instrumental in attracting venture capital

Job released the Apple Ⅱ In April, 1978. Launched a successful IPO.

Color graphics – a first for a personal computer
Dove the PC industry to $1 billion in annual sales in less than 3 years
Leader, selling more than 100,000 Apple Ⅱs by the end of 1980

Apple I – did not have a case – the user was required to build a box for its components. (Picture from smithsonian) apr 1,1976
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