영원무역 기업분석(영문)

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 2  영원무역 기업분석(영문)-2
 3  영원무역 기업분석(영문)-3
 4  영원무역 기업분석(영문)-4
 5  영원무역 기업분석(영문)-5
 6  영원무역 기업분석(영문)-6
※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
영원무역 기업분석(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Why we select Youngone company?

2. 산업분석

3. 기업분석, 현재흐름

4. 투자포인트, 리스크

5. 영원무역의 공급자 및 소비자

6. Valuation

1. Why we select Youngone company?
First of all, we leaned many cost minimize model, profit maximize model and network model including cost reduction or minimize the completion time. So we would like to utilize these concept especially emphasize on maximize profit and network model. To begin with we select commerce sector, and finally select Youngone company, because this company is famous for North face trade company which is good at winter season.
So we are going to analyze this company through sector analysis, company analysis, investment point, company’s risk and company’s activity in China, supplier and customer of company through network model and finally we want value about stock.
2. 산업분석
OEM market in clothes industry
OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturing)
Manufacturing companies purchase original material at first hand. They participate in transferring items to delivery companies or packaging process except for designing process. Weakness of this system is that they are lack of professionalism in design, management.
ODM(Original Design Manufacturing)
In this system, a company takes in charge of all the process of supplying clothes. It has problem with direct contact with customer overseas and executing marketing plan properly.
OBM(Original Brand Manufacturing)
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