  • 담도 및 담낭의 종양
    , 빠른 치료시점, 좋은 암분화도로 인한 간문부암 또는 간내담관암보다는 절제율이 높아 좋은 예후를 기대할 수 있슴. 1) 해부학적 위치 <<그림>> (1) common bile duct (33--40%) : 예후가 가장 좋음 (2) common hepatic duct (30-32%) (3) hepatic duct bifurcation (20% : Klastkin Tumor) (4) diffuse tumor (5-7%) (5) cystic duct (4%)
    2003-11-07 | 1,000원 | 6p | 담도 간 담낭 담도암 유두부   담도 및 담낭의 종양
  • [의학] Case 분석-heavy alcoholics
    Chest/lung Symmetric expansion Breathing sound : clear breathing sounds Crackle/wheezing/rhonchi/stridor(-/-/-/-) Friction rub (-) Heart sound : regular heart beat without murmur Back & extremity Deformity (-) CVA tenderness (-) Pretibial pitting edema (-) Paresthesia Abdomen Soft and distension Normoactive bowel sound Shifting dullness (+) Fluid wave(+) Tendernes
    2010-12-07 | 2,400원 | 24p | Case alcoholics heavy 분석 의학   [의학] Case 분석-heavy alcoholics
  • 소화기내분비 레포트
    ▦ Physiologic Action of Gut Hormones Criteria ① Peptide must be related into blood during time that a biologic response in a target organ is being stimulated or inhibited ② IV infusion of pure natural peptide must reproduce the effect on target organ ③ Synthetic peptide should reproduce the effect found with natural peptide ④ Circulating concentration of peptide that cause stimulat
    2004-08-09 | 1,000원 | 13p | of in by the to acid peptide gastrin or GI   소화기내분비 레포트
  • [의학] 대장암 레포트
    liver met. : primary lesion resection과 동시에 met.의 wedge resection 4. Adjuvant Tx. 1) Radio Tx. : 2000~5000 rad 2) Chemo Tx : 5-FU, levamisole 5. 예후 인자 - Tumor spread to reional LN - Number of regional LN involved - Tumor penetrating through the bowel wall - Poorly differentiated histology - Perforation - Tumor adherence to adjacent organs - Venous invasion
    2008-11-29 | 1,000원 | 26p | 대장암 대장 대장 종양   [의학] 대장암 레포트
  • [의학과] 혈종환자 사례
    AFP : negative hCG : negative CD56 : positive Chromogranin : positive Vimentin : positive, focal WT-1 : negative Cytokeratin : positive (in bile ductules) CAM 5.2 : positive (in bile ductules) Cytokeratin 19 : positive (in bile ductules) NSE : negative p53 : positive (40%) Liver, needle
    2010-09-27 | 1,700원 | 20p | 혈종환자 혈종 환자 사례 의학   [의학과] 혈종환자 사례
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