  • 공공기관의 조직 문화 개선 방안(영문)
    inspection after the Sewol tragedy. According to the data compiled by the Ulsan city, about 80% of local public enterprise leaders are Gwanfia. According to the data from Minsung-Kim, member of National Assembly, financial associations appoint ex-public officials of MOSF or FSC as a chairman or director and provide them with high salary. In this context, the President Park criticized that Gwanfi
    2019-01-16 | 2,200원 | 14p | 개선 문화 조직 공공기관 공공 기관   공공기관의 조직 문화 개선 방안(영문)
  • 한국과 독일 행정 비교(영문)
    1. Introduction 1) background and purpose of study Germany and Republic Of Korea have similialities to bureaucracy public administration system. One of that, what ROK have to focusing on comparative public adminstration, firstly is historical background. ROK grew up as much as people call to “Four Dragons of Asia” in 1970s, wether they go through Korean war in 1950 under the Conflict the
    2012-11-12 | 2,500원 | 25p | 독일 행정 영문 비교 한국   한국과 독일 행정 비교(영문)
  • HP in Singapore 레포트
    ■ Diverse Aspects Ⅰ. Political Environment The political structure of a country inevitably affects the way a business operates, as it is the political regime that will enact laws, sets regulations and policies. Singapore's parliamentary democracy system is well known for creating a stable and orderly government. The government provides first-rate efficiency and excellence in the p
    2011-07-29 | 1,700원 | 20p | HP Singapore   HP in Singapore 레포트
  • 프랑스 정부 시스템 분석(영문)
    Ⅰ. Introduction France has a highly distinctive public administration system. It adopted principle of sovereignty and division of powers but also allowed that the president has strong power. This makes it possible that the president disperse the parliament in case they lose people’s confidence. It is differentiated from many other presidential system in other nations. Also, France has th
    2019-01-16 | 2,400원 | 17p | 정부 분석 시스템 영문   프랑스 정부 시스템 분석(영문)
  • 영문 GANDHI 간디 영화 대사
    The camera is moving toward an Indian city. We are high and far away, only the sound of the wind as we grow nearer and nearer, and through the passing clouds these words appear: No mans life can be encompassed in one telling. There is no way to give each year its allotted weight, to include each event, each person who helped to shape a lifetime. What can be done is to be faithful in spirit to the
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 간디 영문   영문 GANDHI 간디 영화 대사
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