  • 송국리 문화와 농경의 확산(영문)
    sites along with a suite of other co-occurring artifacts prompting archaeologists to use Songguk-ri as the type site for Middle Mumun culture and label features and artifacts from there and other Middle Mumun sites as 'Songguk-ri Style' In particular, the term Songguk-ri-style pit-house is the typological name given to Middle Mumun Period dwellings in southern Korea.
    2015-06-01 | 1,400원 | 20p | 농경 영문 송국리 문화   송국리 문화와 농경의 확산(영문)
  • EC-Asbestos CASE 검토
    Ⅰ. 사실관계 1. 석면이란 Asbestos란 A=not, sbestos=quenchable(멸하다) 라는 그리스에서 유래한 ‘불멸의 물질’이란 어원을 가지고 있다. “석면이란” 석면환경관리협회, (2014.11.04.) www.kfae.or.kr 석면은 단일한 물질을 뜻하는 것이 아니다. 화학적 구성이 섬유구조를 갖고 있으면 석면이라고 할 수 있다.
    2018-06-25 | 5,000원 | 54p | 검토   EC-Asbestos CASE 검토
  • 송국리 문화와 농경의 확산(영문)
    1. Songguk-ri site and Songguk-ri Culture Although there are many argument about bronze age periodization and chronology in korea, it is indisputable that Songguk-ri Culture is one of the most significant criteria for dividing Korean bronze age. Songguk-ri Culture, being considered typical remains of Korean middle bronze age, is cultural pattern which shares features of unique occupation site,
    2015-06-01 | 1,200원 | 6p | 농경 영문 송국리 문화   송국리 문화와 농경의 확산(영문)
  • [금융경제] 솔로몬 저축은행(영문)
    2. Solomon Bank as The Best Savings Bank Solomon domestic savings bank was No.1 in the industry in asset size as of December 2005. At the end of 2007, with Pusan and Honan, Gyeonggi savings banks, total assets of Solomon savings bank reached nearly 5 trillion won level, grown into a huge savings banks. Solomon savings bank is the industry leader as Assets / receives / loan in all areas. Based on
    2010-10-05 | 1,400원 | 12p | Solomon Bank is   [금융경제] 솔로몬 저축은행(영문)
  • 엔론 스캔들(Enron Scandal) 영문
    settlement Enron's nontransparent financial statements did not clearly detail its operations and finances with shareholders and analysts. In addition, its complex business model stretched the limits of accounting, requiring that the company use accounting limitations to manage earnings and modify the balance sheet to portray a favorable depiction of its performance. According to McLean and Elk
    2010-07-13 | 1,400원 | 14p | 엔론 영문 스캔들   엔론 스캔들(Enron Scandal) 영문
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