  • [마케팅전략] 소주시장에서 진로의 마케팅전략(영문)
    planning process beginning with an in-depth analysis of the organization's internal and external environments and customer environment. This analysis focuses on the firm's resources, strengths, and capabilities vis-a-vis competitive, customer and environmental issues, which establishes the firm's strategy and several functional plans. a. Internal environment Internal environment considers th
    2009-11-04 | 1,800원 | 21p | the of and is to in Soju be that with   [마케팅전략] 소주시장에서 진로의 마케팅전략(영문)
  • [생산관리] 월마트 생산관리 성공사례(영문)
    may not consider this to be particularly meaningful, but it is an interesting way to look at the taxes we pay. Even though our financial results were solid, I would characterize the year as good overall, but not great. The year started strong with earnings growing faster than revenue, but we struggled in the second half due to slower-than-planned sales and higher-than-normal apparel markdowns.
    2005-04-06 | 2,000원 | 21p | and the to WalMart of Wal Mart in our   [생산관리] 월마트 생산관리 성공사례(영문)
  • [정책론] 한국의 빈곤과 경제불평등 대책(영문)
    Late 1997 after the financial crisis due to interlayer polarization in the labor market share decline, the difficult living and low incomes continue to increase. since 2007 the global financial crisis, rising unemployment, income polarization, deterioration of family income, inflation, Household debt and interest burden due to increased sales of credit by various factors, including difficulties i
    2011-12-20 | 1,800원 | 11p | 경제불평 경제불평등 불평등 정책론 불평   [정책론] 한국의 빈곤과 경제불평등 대책(영문)
  • [마케팅] 하이트맥주 마케팅 전략(영문)
    C. Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage In terms of its core competency, Hite Brewery seeks to achieve a unique ability to provide a high-quality beer. In the early 1990s, Korean customers were interested in environmental aspects in many products. So, Hite Brewery has made beer by using natural bedrock water to promote an environment-friendly image. As a result, Hite Brewery was
    2011-09-08 | 1,400원 | 14p | 마케팅 하이트 하이트맥주 맥주 전략   [마케팅] 하이트맥주 마케팅 전략(영문)
  • [경영학] 일본 천연화장품 수입 사업 계획서(영문)
    ◈ Market Analysis 1. Domestic Cosmetic Market In domestic cosmetic market, “brand marketing” is running. They launch a new product which is creative and eco-friendly idea. Because many consumers purchase cosmetic depending on brand value, brand marketing and aggressive promotion is essential. Look at this . You can know and see the market forecast in domestic cosmetic d
    2011-09-06 | 2,100원 | 26p | 천연화장품 화장품 계획서 수입 일본   [경영학] 일본 천연화장품 수입 사업 계획서(영문)
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