  • [인문사회] 19세기 영.미시
    clouds, and sport in the wind. 19 And the Angel told if he'd be a good boy, 20 He'd have God for his father & never want joy. 21 And so Tom awoke and we rose in the dark 22 And got with our bag & our brushes to work. 23 Though the morning was cold, Tom was happy & warm, 24 So if all do their duty, they need not fear harm. "굴뚝 청소하는 아이" 1
    2008-03-10 | 2,500원 | 114p | 영국시 미국시 영미시 미영시   [인문사회] 19세기 영.미시
  • 영문 UTurn 영화 대사
    thick cloud of steam now pours from the hood. The temperature gauge now starts rising. BOBBY No!...Not now!...Shit! A couple of SEMIS roar past in the opposite direction, buffetting the Mustang with their air waves. EXT. FORK IN THE ROAD - DAY The car rolls into a fork in the road, limping with the droop of an animal that wont make another hundred yards. One sign on the larger road says "GLOBE" i
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문   영문 UTurn 영화 대사
  • 영문 CHARADE 샤레이드 영화 대사
    thick underbrush alongside the tracks. 2. CLOSE SHOT -- BODY It lies in the bushes, still, unmoving -- dead. CAMERA PANS AWAY to the quiet peaceful countryside as the sound of the train fades off until there is silence once more. TITLE MUSIC begins with a crash. (MAIN TITLES) 3.) 4.) DELETED 5.) 6. FADE IN EXT. MEGEVE -- DAY A handsome and elegant hotel perched on the mountain-side overlooking th
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 샤레이드   영문 CHARADE 샤레이드 영화 대사
  • 영문 Gattaca 가타카 영화 대사
    protective gloves, Jerome opens the liquid-nitrogen cooled refrigerator. A cloud of condensed water vapor billows out. Revealed inside the fridge are racks of labelled jars and silicon pouches - some containing a yellowish liquid, some a deep, red liquid. In front of one of the jars is a handwritten shopping list - "TRUFFLES, CIGS, VODKA". Jerome smiles to himself as he retrieves the note
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 가타카   영문 Gattaca 가타카 영화 대사
  • 영문 The Silence of The Lambs 양들의 침묵 영화 대사
    cloud of smoke. She shoulders aside the shattered door and rushes inside, gun at the ready in both hands... CUT TO: INT. HOTEL ROOM - DAY CLARICES POV - MOVING - as she first sees, sitting on the edge of a bed - a FEMALE HOSTAGE. Black, late 20s, gagged, hands behind her back. Then, SWIVELLING... she sees a startled MALE SUSPECT - white, mid-20s - standing by a window with a rifle in his hands. H
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 침묵   영문 The Silence of The Lambs 양들의 침묵 영화 대사
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