[공학] 신소재 그래핀(Graphene)에 관한 논문 분석(영문)

 1  [공학] 신소재 그래핀(Graphene)에 관한 논문 분석(영문)-1
 2  [공학] 신소재 그래핀(Graphene)에 관한 논문 분석(영문)-2
 3  [공학] 신소재 그래핀(Graphene)에 관한 논문 분석(영문)-3
 4  [공학] 신소재 그래핀(Graphene)에 관한 논문 분석(영문)-4
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[공학] 신소재 그래핀(Graphene)에 관한 논문 분석(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Title

2. Theory

3. Introduction of a thesis

4. Brainstorming

5. Final design and Application

6. Reference

⓶ Graphene : Flat mono-layer of sp2-bonded carbon atoms tightly packed
into a honeycomb lattice.

Thermal conductivity
- Analogous to that of CNT
- Tensile strength: 130GPa,
Young's modulus: 0.5TPa (GP)

3. Introduction of a thesis
By incorporating nanoinclusions (carbon nanotubes, graphene sheets) with exceptional thermal conductivity into a polymer matrix, one would expect to improve the heat performance of resulting nanocomposites. However, the effective thermal conductivity of carbon-based nanocomposites is strongly influenced by the Kapitza interfacial resistance.
In this study, a comparison between carbon nanotubes and graphene sheet nanocomposites that takes into account dispersion patterns of the nanoinclusions and the Kapitza resistance is performed by means of a Monte Carlo simulation.


6. Reference
① Bui K, Duong HM, Striolo A, Papavassiliou DV, J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 3872 (2011)
② A.A. Balandin, S. Ghosh, W.Z. Bao, I. Calizo, D. Teweldebrhan, F. Miao, C.N. Lau,
Nano Lett. 8, 902 (2008)
③ Yamamoto T, Watanabe K, Hernandez ER, CARBON NANOTUBES 111 : 165 (2008)
④ Einstein, A. Ann. Phys. 17, 549 (1905)
⑤ Yu W, Xie HQ, Wang XP, Wang XW, Phys. Lett. A 375 (10) 1323 (2011)

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