코리아헤럴드 Korea reports record new cases, 4th wave still not at peak 20210811

 1  코리아헤럴드 Korea reports record new cases, 4th wave still not at peak 20210811-1
 2  코리아헤럴드 Korea reports record new cases, 4th wave still not at peak 20210811-2
 3  코리아헤럴드 Korea reports record new cases, 4th wave still not at peak 20210811-3
 4  코리아헤럴드 Korea reports record new cases, 4th wave still not at peak 20210811-4
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코리아헤럴드 Korea reports record new cases, 4th wave still not at peak 20210811에 대한 자료입니다.
Korea reports record new cases, 4th wave still not at peak 20210811
South Korea’s COVID-19 situation continued to deteriorate Wednesday with 2,223 new cases reported Wednesday. This is the first time Korea’s daily tally has risen above 2,000 since the pandemic began last year.
한국의 COVID-19 상황은 수요일 2,223명의 새로운 확진자 사례가 보고되는 등
악화일로이다. 일일 확진자 수가 2000명을 넘어선 것은 코로나 팬데믹 발생 이후 처음이다.
The cases are unlikely to drop anytime soon as highly contagious delta variants have become the dominant strain of the coronavirus in line with holiday season and slow inoculation, experts say.
전문가들은 휴가철과 느린 접종 진행 환경 下, 전염성이 높은 델타 변이가 코로나바이러스의 지배종으로 등장함에 따라 확진자가 쉽게 줄어들지 않을 것이라고 언급한다.
Health Minister Kwon Deok-chul said a meeting on the day, “Although we have been limiting the spread with strong quarantine measures, movement between regions has been on the rise due to the holiday season.”
권덕철 보건복지부 장관은 이날 회의에서 강력한 방역 조치로 확산을 제한하고 있지만, 연휴로 인해 지역 간 이동이 늘어나고 있다고 말했다.
“The number of confirmed cases has increased in major tourist destinations, such as Gangwon (Province), Busan and Gyeongnam (South Gyeongsang Province). And the cases in greater Seoul areas are rising again due to (tourists’) return after vacation.”
강원도, 부산, 경남 등 주요 관광지에서 확진자가 늘었으며, 관광객들이 휴가를 마치고 수도권으로 돌아오면서 수도권 환자가 다시 늘어나고 있다고 말했다.
Of the newly confirmed cases, 2,145 were locally transmitted, with the greater Seoul area accounting for 65.5 percent with 1,405 people testing positive in Seoul, Gyeonggi Province and Incheon.
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