[인간행동] 청소년기 생물학적 발육(영문)

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[인간행동] 청소년기 생물학적 발육(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
Ⅰ. A preface

Ⅱ. Psychological Reaction to Physical Changes

Ⅲ. Significant Issues and Life Events

Ⅳ. Sexually transmitted infections(STIs)

Ⅴ. Major Methods of Contraception
Ⅰ. A preface

1. Adolescence vs. Puberty

Adolescence is the transitional period between childhood and adulthood during which young people mature physically and sexually. Adolescence should be differentiated from puberty, which is more specific. Adolescence might be considered a cultural concept that refers to a general time during life.
In the other hand, puberty is a physical concept that refers to the specific time during which people mature sexually and become capable of reproduction.
Our society has no such distinct entry point into adulthood. There are no clear-cut guidelines for how adolescents are supposed to behave. On the other hand, they are children and they are adults.
Some occurrences tend to contribute to becoming an adult. These include getting a driver’s license, graduating from high school, graduating from college, and perhaps getting married. However not all individuals do these things. Some young people drop out of high school and many high school graduates don’t go on college.
The gradual, but major, physical changes do not help to clarify the issue. We’ll deal with adolescent’s physical, psychological and social issue.
Puberty is marked by the sudden enlargement of the reproductive organs and sexual genitalia and the development of secondary sex characteristics.

2. Physical changes in adolescence

①The growth spurt
The adolescent growth spurt affects virtually the entire body including most aspects of the skeletal and muscular structure. However boys and girls grow differently during this period. Boys’ shoulders get relatively wider, and their legs and forearms relatively longer than those of girls. On the other hand, girls grow wider in the pelvic area and hips. This is to enhance childbearing capability.
- Zastrow,C.&Kirst-Ashman,K. (2007). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (7th Ed.). Belmont, CA:Brooks/Cole.
- 손영일 기자. 주간동아. 2008.10.22
- 徐 文 姬. 보건복지포럼. 1997년 7월호
- 박상화, 한정호 (서울 대학교 의학연구원 인구의학연구소) “콘돔 사용과 성병 및 에이즈 예방” 2000년 12월
- 박상화, 임달오, 이봉경, 한정호 (서울 대학교 의학연구원 인구의학연구소) “남자대학생의 콘돔, 성병/에이즈 인식에 관한 조사 연구” 2002년 12월
- 안양희, 진기남 (대한간호학회지 제 35권 제5호) “윤보호 윤락여성을 위한 성병 예방 중재프로그램 개발 및 효과검증” 2005년 8월
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