부산 항공 `에어부산` 마케팅

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부산 항공 `에어부산` 마케팅에 대한 자료입니다.
Environmental Analysis
1. Competitors analysis
(1) COMPARING TO Another Airlines
Opportunity & Threat
Strength – price, timing
Weakness – Accessibility
Opportunity and Threat
2. Strategy
(1)Marketing Mix
(2)Additional. Strategy
1.Direct, Indirect PR
2. Extend airlines to Japan
3. Contract with ‘Committee of culture and tourism of Busan
Weakness – price, major airlines’ service, miles, and recognition
There are three factors of Air Busan’s weakness comparing to other airlines. First one is price. As you see on the chart below, Jin airline has lower price than Air Busan. It would be the week factor of Air Busan. Also, Daehan airline’s price is not that different from Air Busan, which means the competitive price of Air Busan is not sufficient as a lower fare airline. Moreover, other low fare airlines have competitive low fare comparing to Air Busan. Customers who use low fare airlines sometimes do not much care for services because it does not take too long to get to their arrival. In conclusion, if there are customers who think the most important thing in choosing airlines is price, Air Busan might lose their customers, and also they lose their basic reason for existence as a “low fare airline”.

Airline Normal Price Discount
Rate Reduced
Price Extra
Charge Tax Final
Asiana 67,400 0 67,400 5,500 4,000 76.900
Daehan 71,900 15 61,120 5,500 4,000 70,620
AirBusan 64,000 5 60,800 5,500 4,000 70,300
Jinair 57,600 10 51,900 4,400 4,000 60,300

Also, Aisana and Daehan airlines have more name recognition to customers because they are major airline companies. They are more familiar than Air Busan, and customers tend to use friendly goods than the things they do not know. Air Busan needs more advertisements in business companies or general customers for name recognition.
Furthermore, major airlines are recognized as better service qualities and convenient miles ser-vice. If there is not that big difference in prices, people could use major airlines like Asiana or Daehan because of miles or several services. If Air Busan does not lower their ticket prices, they need to focus on the service qualities which would differentiate their airline to Jin Air or other major airlines.
For overcoming those weak points, Air Busan needs to emphasize their name recognition as their association with Asiana. It is because Air Busan’s association with a major company makes cus

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