[조직행동론] ROTATING LEADERS - Orpheus Orchastra(영문)

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[조직행동론] ROTATING LEADERS - Orpheus Orchastra(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1.§ Summary
2.§ Protagonist
3.§ Anatagonist
4.§ Problems
5.§ Solutions
6.§ Questions
§ Orpheus Orchestra, founded by Julian Fifter, is a
Conductorless, Self-governing organization, residence
at Baruch High school and Zicklin school.

§ 'Orpheus' became a metaphor for structural changes.
It has bedeviled many big companies.

§ Fifter brought the camaraderie and spirit to 'Orpheus'
and succeeded to find the ways for members to be
motivated, forming a self-motivated Orchestra.

Main Problems in Horizontal Leadership

§ There are two main problems in horizontal leadership

§ The first problem is a deviation from frequent rotations of core
group and concert master among orchestra members.

§ Every member has their own strengths and weaknesses. Some may
desire to be a leader, some may just adapt being a leader and some
may even fear to be a leader. Representatives who lack leadership
may fail to obtain desired results and this can influence the overall
performance and confidence of an organization or in this case, the

§ Kraft Food is a typical bureaucratic organization. The company has
one main leader, and prefers vertical structure. By observing
Orpheus, Kraft Food can learn the orchestra’s flexible decision

§ Orpheus represents a rotating leader and a core group, making
everyone a leader. Every member will be eager to make opinions,
and are more likely to find better, creative solutions than Kraft food.

§ Also Kraft food may seek for outside advisers like the colleague in
Orpheus group. Creative external advises can be a good guideline
for such a stiff organization like Kraft Food.
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