[노년경제학] 칠레의 연금제도(영문)

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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
[노년경제학] 칠레의 연금제도(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Introduction
2. Transition Process of Pension System in Chile
3. Characteristics of New Pension System in Chile
4. Evaluation Criteria for the Pension System
5. Evaluation of New Pension System in Chile
6. Comparative Analysis with Korean Case
7. Our Team’s Ideal Pension System
8. Conclusion
In Chile, each person get their individual account, so they'll get back pension from this account that they submitted.

This account have no income redistribution among inter-layers and no income transfer between generations that exist in Korean pension system.

Each AFP set minimum rate of return and make a safety device for net getting enough rate of return.

For treating enormous asset, AFP have very important roles so government has restricted and supervised strictly by setting some law and making SAFP.

The public wanted to pay less in working ages and get more in retired
These mechanism has an effect on the politic or interest group
So the politic or interest group made income transfer problem among generations

In new pension system

The AFP is not in the politic so the pension after retired is not decided by pressure of government or interest group
The unique determinant factor is labor and degree of economical success
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