[국제경영] 코카콜라의 세계화 기업전략과 콜라전쟁

 1  [국제경영] 코카콜라의 세계화 기업전략과 콜라전쟁-1
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 20  [국제경영] 코카콜라의 세계화 기업전략과 콜라전쟁-20
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[국제경영] 코카콜라의 세계화 기업전략과 콜라전쟁에 대한 자료입니다.
1.Coca cola _ global icon
2.corporate strategy of Coca cola
3.war of the coke
history of Coca Cola
1866. 5. 8 In Atlanta
it was invented by John Pemberton
Origin of invention
While searching for a medicine to mitigate
headache, he produced the syrup which
taste distinctive flavor.
He mix this composing solution with soda
and this new product ,it was sampled. Place
it on the his Pharmacy. it pronounced
"excellent" and placed on sale

Diversification of distribution channel
become established real-name financial transaction system → wholesale dealer drastically decreased → establishment of order in the circulation
=>vitalize direct transaction between production business and retail store
market expansion due to geographical & weather change
-collapse of the Soviet Union - the Communist bloc integrate with world market.
The annual average temperature is rising
sport marketing(various events & sponsored events )
including international sports events,
strategy to Link young generation in around world.

Coca Cola’s red color – Typical case that color features and characteristic of product coincided well

Spencer letttering logo – Representing Coca with a unique lettering.
In 1893, first registered as trademarks

Design of bottle – Designed by young people in the United States. Excogitation after seeing tight, clinging folds of her.

Coca-Cola's brand value is already the best position is stand on the situation. These days, consumer and industry trends that have a smart marketing, the biggest advantage of having a smart phone connectivity with customers by highlighting the effect of winning strategies appearing recently at a magazine ad QR Code (Quick Response Code) is. QR 2D bar codes as a kind of more information than conventional bar code can hold. Using a camera phone barcodes when the product or service related information, including pictures is given, and is connected directly to the homepage of discount coupons can be paid. Japan Coca-Cola also take advantage of this QR code shows an example of the good. New tea is released, the QR code in a print advertisement for Coca Cola promotional activities were inserted, which customers to scan QR codes with mobile payments can be walking down the street when you see vending machines downloaded it in the QR code Car ads face seen in the (tea) is provided as a free will. To detect changes in the market for such a well-established strategy, if it meets the future of Coca-Cola is expected to be a bright future.
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