[여성과 사회] 가사노동의 사회적 가치(영문)

 1  [여성과 사회] 가사노동의 사회적 가치(영문)-1
 2  [여성과 사회] 가사노동의 사회적 가치(영문)-2
 3  [여성과 사회] 가사노동의 사회적 가치(영문)-3
 4  [여성과 사회] 가사노동의 사회적 가치(영문)-4
 5  [여성과 사회] 가사노동의 사회적 가치(영문)-5
 6  [여성과 사회] 가사노동의 사회적 가치(영문)-6
 7  [여성과 사회] 가사노동의 사회적 가치(영문)-7
 8  [여성과 사회] 가사노동의 사회적 가치(영문)-8
 9  [여성과 사회] 가사노동의 사회적 가치(영문)-9
 10  [여성과 사회] 가사노동의 사회적 가치(영문)-10
 11  [여성과 사회] 가사노동의 사회적 가치(영문)-11
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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
[여성과 사회] 가사노동의 사회적 가치(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Research Question
2. Existing date
3. Survey
4. Interview
5. Conclusion
3. Survey
● Women take charge more of housework than men.
In women's case, single women's average percentage of housework is approximately 25% and married women's average percentage of housework is approximately 82%.
In men's case, single men's average percentage of housework is approximately 19% and married men's average percentage of housework is approximately 24%.
It shows that women relatively take charge more of housework than men, and the figure of third question show that woman in family who is mother or wife take charge more of housework than men in family.

- a. housework assistant, f. brother, i. etc. distractors have no choice, so we skip it in chart.
- In case that married women choice her own, it is included in distractor c. mother.

● Difference of housework’s salary that is converted for economic value.
- In women's answer

- In men's answer

We can see figure that women choose more distractor B and C of question 5 than other distractor. It shows that women convert housework's salary for high price.
However, in contrast, men choose distractor A and B than other distractor. It shows that men relatively convert housework's salary for low price.
We also can see that women choose more the distractor B of question 4 that housework's salary cannot be converted for economic value than men. Those women mostly choose distractor C of question 6 that housework cannot be converted for economic value because it has greater value which cannot be converted for economic value.
We can know that most women think that housework is not simple labor, and they attach greater value in housework.
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