[생산관리] 도요타의 TPS 실패 사례(영문)

 1  [생산관리] 도요타의 TPS 실패 사례(영문)-1
 2  [생산관리] 도요타의 TPS 실패 사례(영문)-2
 3  [생산관리] 도요타의 TPS 실패 사례(영문)-3
 4  [생산관리] 도요타의 TPS 실패 사례(영문)-4
 5  [생산관리] 도요타의 TPS 실패 사례(영문)-5
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[생산관리] 도요타의 TPS 실패 사례(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
Q1. Problems & Solutions
Q2. Failed principles of TPS
Q3. Real problems
Q4. Recall problems
Problem 2. Overflow

A. Too much products were stored
→ could not catch up with the market’s demand
→ consequential loss

Solution: Need to change the Heijunka rule

B. Miscommunication between KFS & TMM,
especially regarding reorder

Solution: Need better communication system


: inventory is waste!

→ BUT there was a lot of off-line
(cars stored in a parking lots without seats)


: stop producing whenever problems were detected!

→ BUT The seat defects were not being corrected immediately upon their detection

Real problems of TMM

1. The problem went on unnoticed till it was detected
by Doug Friesen.
2. None of Toyota’s human resources had clear under-
standing of the problem.

☞ Two main contributors

1. The team leaders were not aware of the problem.
2. Workers have taken the problem for granted and could not
aware of the seriousness.
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