외교부의 폐쇄성에 대하여(영문)

 1  외교부의 폐쇄성에 대하여(영문)-1
 2  외교부의 폐쇄성에 대하여(영문)-2
 3  외교부의 폐쇄성에 대하여(영문)-3
 4  외교부의 폐쇄성에 대하여(영문)-4
 5  외교부의 폐쇄성에 대하여(영문)-5
 6  외교부의 폐쇄성에 대하여(영문)-6
 7  외교부의 폐쇄성에 대하여(영문)-7
 8  외교부의 폐쇄성에 대하여(영문)-8
 9  외교부의 폐쇄성에 대하여(영문)-9
 10  외교부의 폐쇄성에 대하여(영문)-10
 11  외교부의 폐쇄성에 대하여(영문)-11
 12  외교부의 폐쇄성에 대하여(영문)-12
 13  외교부의 폐쇄성에 대하여(영문)-13
 14  외교부의 폐쇄성에 대하여(영문)-14
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외교부의 폐쇄성에 대하여(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
5.Solution : KNDA
Having an intense closeness means that the organization has an excessively cohesive organizational culture as well as that the working process of the organization is not transparent, when seen from outside.
(1) Benefits to the top official’s offspring in the HR acquisition process.
Proof of Benefits to the Offspring of High Rank Diplomat
25% of them are dispatched to North America, where is the most admired place.(only 3% as a whole can go there)
They account for 41% of the passers of the bipartite Foreign service examination

(2) Another closeness – discrimination between the Foreign Service Examination passers and the special employees and contract workers.

Privileged in terms of perks and promotion
But, are they really more competent?

Q1: Are there any events that bond together the diplomatic officers and the families as well?
A: Picnics or International bazaar is held annually. However there is a better reason for even the families being very close together.

Q2:What is the main reason for the family-like culture?
A:There is no relatives nor friends when working abroad. Especially when it is a place like Tanzania or Kazakhstan. You must rely on to each other, and be close in order to exchange information for a better life there.

Q3:What happens if you behave bad in that small society?
A:If you are an expert at a certain language, there is a chance where you could work with the same people again. Without having to say that, gossips spread out really fast and you can be disadvantaged.

Q3:What happens if you behave bad in that small society?
A:If you are an expert at a certain language, there is a chance where you could work with the same people again. Without having to say that, gossips spread out really fast and you can be disadvantaged.

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