[임상신경심리] 시각경로와 시각관련 병리

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[임상신경심리] 시각경로와 시각관련 병리에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Akinetopsia
-Case study(L.M) (1. 1983 / 2. 1995 )
-Other case
2. Blindsight
-Definition & Cause
-Case study – (Case 1. Helen / B. Case 2. Patient D.B)
-Two visual systems
-Affective blindsight
-Explaining blindsight
3. Visual Agnosia
-Definition & Cause / Two types of Visual Agnosia
-Case study (Patient D.F)
Case Study - L.M. Ⅰ

(S. Zihl et al, 1983)

Movement Vision

Horizontal and vertical motion

- Clear Motion
- Unclear Motion
- No Motion


Case II. Patient D.B.(Weiskrantz, 1974)

Patient D.B. : 34 years old , male

오른쪽 primary visual cortex (V1). 정맥성 종양

“오른쪽 1차 시각피질” 절제
(26 years old)
 왼쪽 대측 시야 손상.
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K. Heilman & E. Valenstein (Eds) 2003. Clinical Neuropsychology (4.edition). Oxford Univ.press.

Matthew Rizzo, Mark Nawrot, Josef Zihl (1995). Motion and shape perception in cerebral akinetopsia. Brain 118, 1105-1127.

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