영문 Dumbo덤보 영화 대사

 1  영문 Dumbo덤보 영화 대사-1
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※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
  • 분야
  • 등록일
  • 페이지/형식
  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
  • 레포트 > 독후감
  • 2015.05.29
  • 33페이지 / hwp
  • 3,100원
  • 93원 (구매자료 3% 적립)
자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
영문 Dumbo덤보 영화 대사에 대한 자료입니다.
Dumbo Script
Through the snow and sleet and hail...
through the blizzard, through the gale...
through the wind and through the rain...
over mountain, over plain...
through the blinding lightning flash...
and the mighty thunder crash...
ever faithful, ever true...
nothing stops him.
Hell get through.
Look out for Mr. Stork that persevering chap
Hell come along and drop a bundle in your lap
You may be poor or rich It doesnt matter which
Millionaires, they get theirs like the butcher and the baker
So look out for Mr. Stork and let me tell you, friend
Dont try to get away Hell find you in the end
Hell spot you out in China or hell fly to County Cork
So youd better look out for Mr. Stork
Look out for Mr. Stork Hes got you on his list
And when he comes around its useless to resist
Remember those quintuplets and the woman in the shoe
Maybe hes got his eye on you
All aboard! All aboard!
All aboard! Lets go!
Casey Juniors comindown the track
Comindown the track with a smoky stack
Hear him puffin cominround the hill
Caseys here to thrill every Jack and Jill
Every time his funny little whistle sounds
Everybody hurries to the circus grounds
Time for lemonade and Cracker Jack
Casey Juniors back Casey Juniors back
Oh. My, my.
Now let me see.
Must be right around here somewhere.
I hope. Ah, watch it there.
On the treetop
Where are we here? Oh, here.
Highway four miles to the gas station
Turn left Da-da da-da-da de
Ah. That must be it.
Well, little fella, lets get goin.
Mrs.Jumbo. Oh, Mrs.Jumbo.
Calling Mrs.Jumbo.
Oh. My.
- Oh, wheres that Mrs.Jum-- - Yoo-hoo! Yoo-hoo!
- Over here. - This way, boy.
- In here! In here! - Yoo-hoo!
- This is the place. - Whew! At last.
Which one of you ladies is expecting?
- Hmph! Not me. - The very idea.
Certainly not. Over there, of course.
Yes, of course. Right over there.
Oh. Of course.
Here is a baby with eyes of blue...
straight from heaven right to you.
Or: Straight from heaven up above...
here is a baby for you to love.
Sign here, please.
Uh, yeah. Well-- Oh. Mrs.Jumbo.
Uh, one moment, please. This is still part of the service.
Happy Birthday to you
Ah, Happy Birthday to you
Ah, Happy Birthday, dear
Ah, dear Dear me. Whats his name?
Oh.Jumbo Junior, huh? Ahem.Jumbo Junior.
Happy Birthday, dear Jumbo Junior
Happy Birthday
- Oh, do hurry, dear. - Im on pins and needles.
- Isnt it thrilling? - Im all a-flutter.
Ah, this is a proud, proud day.
- Well, hurry and open it, dearie. - Im just dying to see.
- Oh! - Look at him!
Look at him!
Oh, what a-- Oh, look!
- Oh, you sweet little thing. - He is cute, isnt he?
Oh, he is a darling little baby.
Adorable. Simply adorable.
Did you ever see anything so cunning?
Isnt he a darling!
Kootchy, kootchy, kootchy, kootchy, kootchy, kootchy.
- Oh! - Oh!
- Is it possible? - Isnt there some mistake?
Just look at those, those--
Those what? Oh, ears!
These! Arent they funny? Oh!
- Oh, my goodness. - What a temper.
Oh, what did I do? Well, tell me.
- Did I say anything? - Perfectly harmless remark.
I just said that theyre funny, and they are funny.
- They certainly are. - After all, who cares...
about her precious little Jumbo?
Jumbo? You mean Dumbo.
- Dumbo, I say. - Thats good.
- Dumbo! Thats good. - Dumbo.
I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.
I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.
I thought I could. I thought I could. I thought I could. I thought I could.
Hike, ugh, hike, ugh hike, ugh, hike
We work all day We work all night
We never learned to read or write
Were happy-hearted roustabouts
Hike, ugh, hike, ugh hike, ugh, hike
When other folks have gone to bed
We slave until were almost dead
Were happy-hearted roustabouts
Hike, ugh, hike, ugh hike, ugh, hike
We dont know when we get our pay
And when we do we throw our pay away
When we get our pay we throw our money all away
We get our pay when children say
With happy hearts Its circus day today
Then we get our pay just watching kids on circus day
Muscles aching Back near breaking
Eggs and bacons what we need
- Yes, sir! - Boss man houndin
Keep on poundin
For your bread and keep
There aint no letup
Got to set up
Pull that canvas
Drive that stake
Want to doze off Get them clothes off
But must keep awake
Hep! Heave! Hep! Heave! Hep! Heave! Hep! Heave!
Hep! Heave! Hep! Heave! Hep! Heave! Hep!
Swing that sledge Sing that song
Work and laugh the whole night long
"You happy"-"hearted roustabouts"
Pullin, poundin tyin, groundin
Big top roundininto shape
Keep on workin Stop that shirkin
Grab that rope,you hairy ape
Poundin, poundin
Poundin, poundin
Jostling and juggling. Fifteen minutes!
Step right up and get your tickets. Hurry, hurry now.
Hurry to the big sideshow. Thats why you go under the big top.
Fifteen big attractions that you cant see anywhere else in the world!
The greatest collection in the entire world.
And the greatest comedies are featured and assembled for your entertainment.
오늘 본 자료
  • 오늘 본 자료가 없습니다.
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