영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사

 1  영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사-1
 2  영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사-2
 3  영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사-3
 4  영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사-4
 5  영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사-5
 6  영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사-6
 7  영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사-7
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 9  영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사-9
 10  영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사-10
 11  영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사-11
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 13  영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사-13
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 15  영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사-15
 16  영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사-16
 17  영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사-17
 18  영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사-18
 19  영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사-19
 20  영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사-20
※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
  • 분야
  • 등록일
  • 페이지/형식
  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
  • 레포트 > 독후감
  • 2015.05.29
  • 79페이지 / hwp
  • 4,000원
  • 120원 (구매자료 3% 적립)
자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
영문 Dear God 미라클맨 영화 대사에 대한 자료입니다.
Dear God Script
Ive got a foggy, smoggy morning.
No earthquakes, no riots, no mudslides.
A helluva day in Los Angeles. On the other hand, its still early.
Steve Tatum here.
Dont forget, Im MCing Hollywoods Christmas Parade tonight.
We always hold it just before Thanksgiving
to kick off the holiday season. Of course...
Found your hat.
- Is Daddy flying that airplane? - No, sweetie. Sorry.
Come along. Up the stairs, up you go.
I miss my friends in New Jersey.
I know, but youll make new friends.
Fasten your seat belt.
Its a whole new world out here.
We have a new place at the beach, a new school for you.
Are you gonna make new friends, too, Mom?
Of course. There are plenty of nice, normal people here.
Morning, Tom. Hear the results of New Yorks Aqueduct today?
Otis, my man, I already lost.
Can you get this off my car? It scratches easy.
Who you gonna bet on at Del Mar?
Nobody, Im broke. Im going to work.
The Pacific Flyer to San Francisco departs on track four.
All aboard.
Relax, Julie.
Ive lost my purse!
Your purse is on your shoulder. I swear...
No-Ioading zone, pal. Keep it moving.
Ill check on Carmel for you.
Ladies. I hopped into the cab after you and found this on the floor.
The driver said hed mail it to you.
For heavens sakes! We do not know the cab driver.
We certainly do not. We are from Memphis.
We do not socialise with foreign drivers.
Thats the thing. He seemed very suspicious. He said it was yours.
You ran all this way to return that little bitty bracelet?
Maam, even an amateur gemologist like myself
knows the black sapphire is extremely valuable.
- But thats not our... - What she means is,
its a gift for a friend, Sally-Lou, back home.
- Thank you. - Glad I could help.
Hes so sweet.
Well, I guess I should give you a reward.
- God bless you. - God bless you. OK.
Youre not old enough
for your own PIN number.
But Laura says I can get one in your name.
Bravo, bravo.
There was a fire at San Diego Youth Centre. I had to pull two kids out.
Theyre fine, but now I cant push the damn buttons.
- Help him, Papa. - Would you?
- Youd trust me with your number? - A fellow Greek?
Whats the number?
Dont flirt. Shes a virgin.
Damn it!
Now how do I catch a cab to the burns centre?
- How far is the hospital? - Beverly Hills. Is that far?
- We can give him a ride. - No, we dont have time.
You gotta have the cab fare. I insist. Yeah.
"Efharisto." Its, like, miles.
- Hes kinda cute. - Never mind.
- A trip, Madame Zema? - Would you like to know where?
I need a little more money...
Smile, Mrs Alcot, your favourite customers here.
bus ticket to Fresno...
I dont want no bus ticket to Fresno, man.
... . Thats it, for now. Im a little short.
You gotta grow, Tommy. As of today, youre short a grand.
I could sell my car.
It aint worth that gumball machine.
Its over. Juniors cranky, dudes are moving in on his turf.
Tommy, you gotta quit playing the ponies.
Gloria. Come here.
- What? - Those guys are bottom feeders.
They got small-time written on their pants.
The guy in black, Webster? Hes a loan shark.
- Whats the other called? - Tom.
You do what you gotta do. Tonight, you meet us in the back of Zemas.
You dont have bucks, get out of town.
Webster, where am I going to go?
You got a bus ticket to Fresno.
Help me out here. Im a little stressed.
Weve been tight a lot of years, but I cant keep covering for you.
Forget it, Webster. I got the skills to pay the bills.
Thats my man talking, yeah. At Madame Zemas.
Here comes the Grand Marshal, Tony Danza!
Im doing last-minute fundraising. Im almost there.
Juniors coming. I can hear him. He wants to see you now.
- "Were waiting for you at Zemas." - Im not well yet.
Better to show up light than not at all. Get the lead out.
Dont be a kid-hater. Santas kids. Thank you.
- Who are Santas kids? - Santas kids are everywhere!
Mr Baywatch!
And the mistress of the dark, Elvira.
Theres an experimental treatment that Medicare will cover,
but I have no way of knowing...
Sister. Give me your address. I swear, Ill send you a cheque.
- No. - Please.
No. When little Juniors back on his feet,
I hope youll do a loving act of kindness for someone in need.
A loving act of kindness?
Sister Charlotte, what are you doing?
Coming up will be Happy Days Erin Moran
and Princess Elinor Donahue...
A round trip to New York. They were for our honeymoon.
She got this nasal disease. I dont even know what you call it.
Theyre worth, like, $ each.
But we dont have !
Id take less. Like, two?
- Not now, Im doing a transaction. - How would you like to spread em?
LAPD. Merry Christmas, pal.
Of all the crappy deals...
Shouldnt you be arresting a drug dealer or a movie star?
Heres the man weve all been waiting for. Lets hear it, folks!
Case number -M - - .
Youre next!
Mr Greek burn victim? Lets go.
The scars have almost healed. So, hows your daughter?
Shes... Never mind! Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth? If y
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