중문 영문 중화인민공화국 외자기업법

 1  중문 영문 중화인민공화국 외자기업법-1
 2  중문 영문 중화인민공화국 외자기업법-2
 3  중문 영문 중화인민공화국 외자기업법-3
 4  중문 영문 중화인민공화국 외자기업법-4
 5  중문 영문 중화인민공화국 외자기업법-5
 6  중문 영문 중화인민공화국 외자기업법-6
 7  중문 영문 중화인민공화국 외자기업법-7
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중문 영문 중화인민공화국 외자기업법에 대한 자료입니다.
第一 了大外合作和技交流,促中民的展,中人民共和允外的企和其他或者人(以下外投者)在中境外企,保外企的合法益。
Article 1 With a view to expanding economic cooperation and technical exchange with foreign countries and promoting the development of Chinas national economy, the Peoples Republic of China permits foreign enterprises, other foreign economic organizations and individuals (hereinafter collectively referred to as "foreign investors") to set up enterprises with foreign capital in China and protects the lawful rights and interests of such enterprises.
第二 本法所的外企是指依照中有法律在中境立的全部本由外投者投的企,不包括外的企和其他在中境的分支机。
Article 2 As mentioned in this Law, "enterprises with foreign capital" refers to those enterprises established in Chinabyforeigninvestors,exclusivelywiththeirowncapital,inaccordancewithrelevantChineselaws.ThetermdoesnotincludebranchessetupinChinabyforeignenterprisesandotherforeigneconomicorganizations.
第三 立外企,必有利于中民的展,且采用先的技和,或者品全部出口或者大部分出口。
Article 3 Enterprises with foreign capital shall be established in such a manner as to help the development of Chinasnationaleconomy;theyshalluseadvancedtechnologyandequipmentormarketallormostoftheirproductsoutsideChina.
Provisions shall be made by the State Council regarding the lines of business which the state forbids enterprises with foreign capital to engage in or on which it places certain restrictions.
第四 外投者在中境的投、得的利和其他合法益,受中法律保。
Article 4 The investments of a foreign investor in China,theprofitsitearnsanditsotherlawfulrightsandinterestsareprotectedbyChineselaw.