  • 선박의 구조적 특징
    3. 유조선 전체가 DOUBLE HULL로 만들어짐. 유조선의 사고로 인한 바다에 기름 유출이 많아져 이를 방지 하기 위해 CSR(유조선 공통구조규칙)이 발효되면서 일부만 DOUBLE HULL로 지어지는 타 선종에 다르게 선박의 거의 모든 부분이 DOUBLE HULL로 설계되어 건조됨. 4. Engine room 과 Cargo Hold 사이에 void 공간인 Slop
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  • 영문 48 hrs 48시간 영화 대사
    crossing 31. Prisoners escaping. Two men, one six-four, 200 pounds, dark, an Indian, the other, Albert Ganz, five-ten... FURTHER DOWN THE HIGHWAY Several miles from the escape... A big semi parked by the side of ttie road; back doors to the closed trailer open. A station wagon parked across the road. The pickup appears, approaches the semi, slows down and drives up the ramp into the van. Ganz and
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 시간 영문 시간   영문 48 hrs 48시간 영화 대사
  • 영문 파이트 클럽 Fight Club 영화 대사
    ramps up, it will be corporations that name everything. The IBM Stellar Sphere. The Philip Morris Galaxy. Planet Starbucks. Jack looks up as a pudgy man, Jacks BOSS, enters, Starbucks cup in hand, and slides a stack of reports on Jacks desk. BOSS Im going to need you out-of-town a little more this week. Weve got some "red-flags" to cover. JACK (V.O.) It mustve been Tuesday. he was wearing his "co
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 클럽 파이트   영문 파이트 클럽 Fight Club 영화 대사
  • 영문 Hunter 헌터 영화 대사
    cross to the center of the room to a folding table, covered with a large TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP of the Central American highland jungle. Philips leans over the table, circling a set of COORDINATES and a MARK on the open map. PHILIPS Eighteen hours ago I was informed that one of our choppers, transporting three presidential cabinet members from this charming little country, was shot down... (point to t
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문   영문 Hunter 헌터 영화 대사
  • 영문 HANNIBAL 한니발 영화 대사
    cross the hood of one of their cars. STARLING All right, everyone, pay attention. Heres the layout - BOLTON Excuse me, Im Officer Bolton, DC Police. STARLING Yes, I can see that from your uniform and badge, how do you do? BOLTON Im in charge here. Starling studies him a moment. He sniffs as if that might help confirm his weighty position. STARLING You are? BOLTON Yes, maam. Starlings glance finds
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 한니발   영문 HANNIBAL 한니발 영화 대사
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