  • [국제마케팅] wine clubs in the world
    consumption of wine demand is reflected in the growth of the premium and super-premium market segments at the expense of the basic segment. There are fundamental trends, independent of fluctuations in the economy, which are driving this premium wine growth: • As income and wealth increases, consumers spend a higher proportion on wine. • The prime wine consuming age group are a grow
    2008-05-20 | 700원 | 17p | 와인 wine club 와인시장 wine market 와인클럽   [국제마케팅] wine clubs in the world
  • [국제경영] ZARA 자라 분석(영문)
    consumption to recover faster, we will need to see more aggressive tax rate cuts on personal income and capital gains, as well as stabilization of the property market 2) Where is the current fashion industry going? ① Slowdown in fashion industry Consumer confidence weakened this year, reflecting growing concern about the impact of the global financial crisis on Korea`s real economy, s
    2009-07-23 | 1,400원 | 17p | of and to in ZARA is fashion are Zara new   [국제경영] ZARA 자라 분석(영문)
  • 여성과 매스미디어(영문)
    I. Introduction Recently, increasing of interests on appearances and making it commercialized, appearance became a hot issue. This aroused women to desire beauty and consumption on beauty products. Mass media provides discussions to public and the public form feedbacks that project his or her appearances onto the discussions and images. Especially, visual media serves as mirror that reflects
    2010-08-20 | 1,700원 | 22p | 매스미디어 미디어 매스 영문 여성   여성과 매스미디어(영문)
  • [국제경제학] 필리핀의 자동차 산업과 대기오염 문제(영문)
    of itself. Source: Naver 2-2-2. Economic Growth and Vehicle Growth As the GDP of Philippines continues to rise, energy consumption is also increasing. Energy consumption increased from 0.731 quadrillion BTU in 1990 to 1.336 quadrillion BTU in 2005. Energy consumption and economic growth are related each other and those can be assumed with dat
    2010-10-01 | 1,400원 | 13p | 국제경제학 대기오염 자동차 대기 오염   [국제경제학] 필리핀의 자동차 산업과 대기오염 문제(영문)
  • 대학내 외식 산업이 구내식당에 미치는 영향 연구(영문)
    of college students> In the meantime, it is very worth attention how college students feel about meal expenses in the middle of the recession while stretching their little money. After having surveyed 2,277 college students for 'college student's consumption expenditure for the new semester'(Table 2), it turned out that they feel
    2017-11-17 | 5,000원 | 42p | 외식 구내식당 산업 연구 영문 구내   대학내 외식 산업이 구내식당에 미치는 영향 연구(영문)
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