  • 판타지-써클별 마법
    매직 미사일 - Magic Missile 유효 거리 : 45m 지속 시간 : 5분 효과 : 한 개 또는 그 이상의 화살 창조 마법 미사일 주문을 사용하면, 허공에 빛나는 마법 화살을 최소 한 개 이상 만들어서 쏠 수 있다. 이 마법을 사용하면 하얀색 빛나는 화살모양의 물체가 마법사의 바로 옆에 나타나서 그것을 쏠 때까지
    2010-03-30 | 1,500원 | 37p | 판타지 마법 파이어볼 써클별 마법   판타지-써클별 마법
  • 영문 Guru 구루 영화 대사
    Dancer. Okay, Rammy, what would you say your specialty is? Well, I move smooth. I take instruction easily. Im not afraid to try new things. Good. We like that. How big are you hard? Yes, I work very hard. No. Your johnson. How big is your johnson? RAMU: Johnson? DWAIN: Your wand. Your pork-sword. Your baloney pony. Would you like to see my Macarena? Is that what you call it in your part of the wo
    2015-05-29 | 4,000원 | 100p | 영문Guru구루영화대사 구루 영문   영문 Guru 구루 영화 대사
  • 영문 Moulin Rouge(1952)물랑 루주 영화 대사
    dance with you beneath the trees? Was it love echoed on a Monday The music of the river breeze? Lie closer, my dear And listen again To your seventeenth year In the sun and the rain Beside the River Seine O Away, away The river goes rolling O may, O may Our love remain true Lie closer again I danced with you here In the sun and the rain The very next year Beside the River Seine O They like you to
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 루주 물랑 영문   영문 Moulin Rouge(1952)물랑 루주 영화 대사
  • 영문 BARRYLYNDON 배리 린든 영화 대사
    dancing or singing never can perfect herself without a deal of study in private. So it is with the dear creatures who are skilled in coquetting. Dorothy, for instance, was always practicing, and she would take poor me to rehearse her accomplishments upon... Dorothy talking with the exciseman. RODERICK (V.O.) ... or the exciseman, when he came his rounds. Dorothy talking to the steward. RODERICK (
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 린든 배리 영문   영문 BARRYLYNDON 배리 린든 영화 대사
  • 영문 RONIN 로닌 영화 대사
    swords or bandits. These masterless warriors were no longer referred to as Samurai, they were known by another name: Such men were called Ronin. The words hang on the screen and we hold for a BEAT, and then the DRUMS are cut off by - A SILENCED GUN SHOT: Thwpfft... FADE IN ON: INT. A MEDIEVAL CATHEDRAL - NIGHT Its dark, and so it takes us a minute to realize were MOVING UP STONE SPIRALING STAIRS,
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 로닌 영문   영문 RONIN 로닌 영화 대사
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