[금융기관] 삼성증권 리스크관리(영문)

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 12  [금융기관] 삼성증권 리스크관리(영문)-12
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[금융기관] 삼성증권 리스크관리(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Introduction of Institution

2. Core Business

3. Risk Management
1. Introduction of Institution
1.1. Profile
Samsung Securities Co. Ltd. is Korea’s leading securities firm offering customer-focused, solution-oriented retail brokerage and wealth management services for individual investors and institutional brokerage, investment advisory, investment banking and capital markets services for public and private enterprises. The company separates its business activities into five divisions: investment banking, research center, wholesale business, retail, and eBusiness. The investment banking division identifies, structures, and executes various transactions, including mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, international finance, and the issuance of equity or debt capital for corporations, financial institutions, and governments. Thus, it provides the government and corporate institutions with services that open new markets for investors to utilize broader investment options. Second, the research center aims to provide detailed and broad-based coverage to both domestic and international customers. In-house analysts publish reports in both Korean and English to be distributed to domestic and international branch offices. The Bond Market Research Team has developed the Samsung Bond Investment Index, a market value index for bonds. Third, the wholesale business offers equity brokerage, derivative brokerage, and investment advisory services to institutional clients worldwide. It also develops and delivers various financial instruments, such as mutual funds, equity-linked securities, over the counter derivatives, overseas funds, and fund of funds. Fourth, the retail business division incorporates a number of interests, notably customer care solutions such as the call center and overnight ATM financial service. Also it offers Fn Honors Club, which provides a secured asset management service for customers with inadequate knowledge or understanding of rapidly changing investment market conditions. Lastly, the eBusiness division is represented by SamsungFn (Samsung financial network), which provides a variety of on-line services including cyber securities trading, up-to-date research data, expert reviews and investment information.

1.2. Vision
Its vision is to lead the financial services developments in the greater Asian region to become the Global Top 10 by 2020. Samsung Securities is all about their people. They foster industry’s brightest and most experienced financial advisors, highly acknowledged research analysts, and result driven investment bankers, traders, and institutional sales force. They create value by emphasizing on five key principles: provide and unrivaled devotion to serving the customers’ best interest, offer customized products and services backed by excellence in customer service, earn our customers’ trust by displaying the highest ethical standards and reinforcing compliance procedures, establish a competitive cost position through productivity and efficiency, and lastly further grow the Samsung brand through credibility in performance. (Figure 1-1)

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