발행기관 : 한국국방연구원1833 개 논문이 검색 되었습니다.
사관학교 입학전형요소와 학업성취도의 연관성 분석
이귀현 , 천윤환 , 이한우  한국국방연구원, 국방정책연구 [2020] 제126권 169~191페이지(총23페이지)
TAG admission factors, Aptitude test battery for cadets, academic achievement, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline Model
한국과 일본의 주둔미군 지원인력의 노무관리제도 비교 연구
신다윗 , 안석기  한국국방연구원, 국방정책연구 [2020] 제126권 193~215페이지(총23페이지)
TAG SOFA, Labor Management, USFK, Host-country nationals
Building a Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula and the Future of UNC
( Kyung-young Chung )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2019] 제31권 제4호, 477~500페이지(총24페이지)
TAG inter-Korean dialogue, Peace Regime Initiative, United Nations Command, Korean Peninsula peace treaty, rearrangement of UNC
PLA Reforms as Seen from the Composition of the Central Military Commission of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
( Ying Yu Lin )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2019] 제31권 제4호, 501~517페이지(총17페이지)
TAG PLA study, Central Military Commission, 19th National Congress of CPC, joint operation
What Factors Determine China’s North Korea Policy?: Uncertainty, Instability and Status Quo Risk Management
( Kihyun Lee )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2019] 제31권 제4호, 519~538페이지(총20페이지)
TAG China’s North Korea policy, uncertainty, instability, status quo risk management
Resetting the South Korea-China Relationship: The THAAD Controversies and Their Aftermath
( Sukhee Han )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2019] 제31권 제4호, 539~557페이지(총19페이지)
TAG THAAD controversy, South Korea-China relations, Victory Day, economic retaliation, post-THAAD
Russia’s Arctic Policy: Focusing on the Construction of the Arctic Route and its Challenges
( Jiwon Yun )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2019] 제31권 제4호, 559~574페이지(총16페이지)
TAG Arctic Environment, Northern Sea Route, Arctic Development Complex Logistics System, International Cooperation
Assessing the Effectiveness of Security Assurances on the DPRK’s Nuclear Issue
( Yi Ding ) , ( Dingli Shen )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2019] 제31권 제4호, 575~593페이지(총19페이지)
TAG security assurance, effectiveness, DPRK, nuclear nonproliferation, Soviet Union, China, United States
The Dilemma of the “Axis of Evil”: The Rise and Fall of Iran-DPRK Relations
( Lyong Choi ) , ( Jong-dae Shin ) , ( Han-hyung Lee )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2019] 제31권 제4호, 595~611페이지(총17페이지)
TAG North Korea, Iran, Axis of Evil, Persian Gulf, the Middle East, Iran-Iraq War, U.S. foreign policy, JCPOA, North Korean nuclear crisis
Russian Naval Activity in the Asia-Pacific: The Herald for a New Alliance?
( Andrei S. Golobokov )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2019] 제31권 제4호, 613~633페이지(총21페이지)
TAG Russia, Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, Asia-Pacific region, naval exercise, maritime policy, security
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