발행기관 : 한국국방연구원 AND 간행물명 : Korean journal of defense analysis859 개 논문이 검색 되었습니다.
The 2018 Reform of the China Coast Guard: Logic, Development and Implications
( Mike Chia-yu Huang )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2019] 제31권 제3호, 419~435페이지(총17페이지)
TAG China, China Coast Guard, institutional reform, maritime power, People’s Liberation Army Navy
The Civil War in Syria in View of the Iranian Challenge in the Middle East: An Israeli Perspective
( Niv Farago )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2019] 제31권 제3호, 437~455페이지(총19페이지)
TAG civil war, conflict, Syria, Israel, Iran, Russia, Trump, policy, nuclear, strike
Military Recruitment Issues in the ROK Armed Forces and Policy Alternatives: Focusing on the Army Non-commissioned Officer
( David Shin ) , ( Young-gon Kim )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2019] 제31권 제3호, 457~475페이지(총19페이지)
TAG Army NCO, acquisition of workforce, job security, low application rate, long-term service
The Unintended Consequences of Success: U.S. Retrenchment from Korea?
( Victor D. Cha )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2019] 제31권 제2호, 165~191페이지(총27페이지)
TAG alliance, foreign policy, peace declaration, denuclearization, North Korea
The Soft and Hard Power Politics of North Korea in 2019
( David C. Kang )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2019] 제31권 제2호, 193~210페이지(총18페이지)
TAG soft power; diplomacy; South-North Korea relations; deterrence, ROK grand strategy
Is the Northern Alliance Making a Comeback? Do Russia, China and North Korea Constitute An Alliance?
( Stephen Blank )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2019] 제31권 제2호, 211~231페이지(총21페이지)
TAG Russia, China, North Korea, alliance, denuclearization
Explaining the American Failure of Preventing North Korean Nuclear Proliferation: What Went Wrong and What Lessons to Take
( Min-hyung Kim )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2019] 제31권 제2호, 233~249페이지(총17페이지)
TAG denuclearization, misperception, North Korea, strategic priority, war on terror
Rapprochement amid Mounting Security Concerns: The 1998-2007 Inter-Korean Reconciliation as Hegemonic Projects
( Yong Sub Choi )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2019] 제31권 제2호, 251~271페이지(총21페이지)
TAG inter-Korean relations, inter-Korean reconciliation, engagement policy, Gramsci, hegemonic project, national-popular
Pakistan’s Nuclear Ambitions: The Debate over Doctrine
( Huazhong Tu ) , ( Prashant Kumar Singh ) , ( Nan You ) , ( Bo Tu )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2019] 제31권 제2호, 273~291페이지(총19페이지)
TAG Pakistani nuclear debate, defensive realism, offensive realism; liberalism; nuclear doctrine
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and China’s Strategic Course
( Ales Karmazin )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2019] 제31권 제2호, 293~308페이지(총16페이지)
TAG Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, China Dream, Belt and Road Initiative, Xi Jinping, Chinese foreign policy, grand strategy
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