[영어영문과, 언어학, 국제학] [영문] Language of globalization

 1  [영어영문과, 언어학, 국제학] [영문] Language of globalization-1
 2  [영어영문과, 언어학, 국제학] [영문] Language of globalization-2
 3  [영어영문과, 언어학, 국제학] [영문] Language of globalization-3
 4  [영어영문과, 언어학, 국제학] [영문] Language of globalization-4
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[영어영문과, 언어학, 국제학] [영문] Language of globalization에 대한 자료입니다.
1. English will increase the nation’s international competitiveness

2. English allowed people to have more opportunities, because it made their lives to expand from living in a nation to a society without border line where commodities, manpower, information, intercourse freely between nations.

3. English is harm to the existences of other traditions and cultures?
It is written in bible that God penalized the Christian believers by making them to speak hundreds of different languages. Therefore, having a unified language was people’s long cherished hope as more and more people experience inconvenience in communicating with other people. These days, English became the key to overcome the punishment as the language gains overwhelming superiority over other languages. Some people believe that spreads of English harms the nation’s tradition and culture. However, using English as the global language is beneficial in many ways because it will increase the nation’s international competitiveness, and provide more opportunities for people.
Rohde David. “As English Spreads, Speakers morph it into World Tongue” PBS. 2003. PBS. Retrieved 15 Sep. 2007< http://www.pbs.org/speak/ahead/globalamerican/global/>

Breton Roland. J. L. “Can English be dethroned?” The UNESCO courier. March. 2000. UNESCO. Retrieved 15 Sep. 2007

“Triumph of English” Economist.com. The Economist. Retrieved 20 Dec. 2001

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